Lionel DebrouxLe 06/04/2009 à 21:21
La version que j'ai postée tout à l'heure sortait l'ASM_TAG final (ça, il me semble que ce n'est pas grave) et ne vérifiait pas que le fichier semblait être un programme assembleur valide (anti-utilisateur vilain qui donnerait un fichier TI non ASM au programme... ça risque TRES fort de produire une chaîne ASM qui va crasher la calculette). Utilise plutôt la version suivante (en enlevant les espaces dans "[ 0 ]", si nécessaire):

#!/usr/bin/perl -W
use strict;

# Trivial program to convert a TI-68k assembly file (.??z) to a TI-BASIC Exec string.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Lionel Debroux.

package main;
    my $length;
    my $filecontents;
    my $unpackedfilecontents;

    (   ($#ARGV == 0) # A single argument...
     && (($ARGV[ 0 ] =~ m#.89z$#) || ($ARGV[ 0 ] =~ m#.9xz$#) || ($ARGV[ 0 ] =~ m#.v2z$#)) # ... which ends with {89z,9xz,v2z} and ...
     && (-f $ARGV[ 0 ]) # ... which is a path representing an actual file.
    or die "Usage: tifile_to_exe.pl <infile.{89z,9xz,v2z}>\n";
    open(INFILE, $ARGV[ 0 ]) or die "Can't open $ARGV[ 0 ]: $!";
    read(INFILE, $filecontents, -s INFILE);

    if ((index ($filecontents, "**TI89**") != 0) && (index ($filecontents, "**TI92P*") != 0)) {
        die "$ARGV[ 0 ] doesn't seem to be a file suitable for TI-68k calculators";
    do {
        use bytes;
        # Get file size in bytes.
        $length = length($filecontents);
        print "Input file is $length bytes long (of which 91 bytes will be stripped).\n";

        if ($length <= 93) { # 86 bytes for the header, 2 size bytes, 2 bytes for the empty relocation, 1 byte for the tag and 2 bytes for the trailing checksum.
            die "$ARGV[ 0 ] is too short to be a valid ASM file";
        $length -= 90;
        $filecontents = substr($filecontents, 88, $length);

        $length *= 2; # Number of hex digits is twice that of bytes.

        $unpackedfilecontents = unpack ("H[$length]", $filecontents);
        if (rindex($unpackedfilecontents, "f3") != $length - 2) {
            warn "$ARGV[ 0 ] doesn't seem to be an assembly file, the Exec string that will be generated is unlikely to work !";
        $length = length($unpackedfilecontents);
        $unpackedfilecontents = substr($unpackedfilecontents, 0, $length - 2);
        print "Exec \"$unpackedfilecontents\"\n";
    } while (0);

48 lignes, dont 10 lignes blanches.