ChevelsLe 25/11/2021 à 23:14
Fadest (./31) :
You can have a look on first post, there are some details about working micro SD.

I guess a "small" size (8gb or less) from a well known brand is better. You will probably not need more than 8gb for your STE needs wink

masteries (./32) :
Chevels (./29):
masteries (./25) :
Chevels (./23):
Hi !
Great this interface ! On the other hand, it has been a long time since I touched my STE and above all I have never used a hard drive on my various STEs. I have always done the old fashioned way^^
So I have a noob question: what types of hard drives can be used on a STE with this interface? (IDE, ACSI, maximum capacity...). I guess it's ACSI but are such hard drives still in 2021 ??

As friend Fadest illustrates...

You only need a micro SD card; this device lets use any micro SD card as a compatible hard disk for your STE machine; as well the micro SD card is also readable under Windows / Linux.
(You can use your PC to copy / read content to the SD card, an use the copied content in your Atari STE)

Fadest (./24) :
C'est plus simple que ça :
Tu insères une micro SD card dans l'adaptateur et elle est reconnue comme un disque dur.

Oh ok ! fondu
Does the micro SD card have to respect certain specificities such as a maximum capacity ?

In any case, thank you for the details!

You can use almost any SD card size,

However, huge sizes such 32 , 64, 128 GB are relatively non sensei, due to you can use barely use 1 to 4 GB of them.

The ST/E computer can address 2^21 sectors in a disk, and each sector is usually 512 bytes or 1 KB

Thank you for your answers !
Of course I know that a big SD won't be necessary. I was asking this because I already have a few at home that haven't been used for a long time and I wanted to know if I will be able to use them smile