We are hiring companies to supply project that need be completed very soon with multiple companies
Napa Valley Wine Region Corona Mine Saint Helena Volcano Arc Mount Adams Wilderness Sulfur Mine made 92,400 flasks of Mercury fore ammunition primers and detonators in the World Wars from the World largest Corona discharge geothermal power Plant produce 20% of California's renewable energy Corona Geyser Founder a Civil War Prison Warden and Unocal Corporation Natural Gas Pipeline Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India and WIC West East Indian Company Peter Minuit for $33 Dollars Purchased Manhattan with Nutmeg Spice powder from VOC Dutch East India Company, Jan Pieterszoon Coen the Birth of Batavia. One Batavia cargo ship's 152,000 Pounds Pfizer K2 synthetic Drug, VOC imported 5 million Pounds Opium and VOC founded the Amsterdam Stock Market Building architect father Chair Dutch Navy Military academy and founder Amber Electrolysis sending two messages simultaneously over same wire and the First law of thermodynamics, VOC Founded World largest foreign exchange market Forex FX, Oslo Børs VPS, Euronext Dublin, NYSE Stock Exchange founder VOC. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines would not exist Without lipid nanoparticles founder Pieter Cullis University of British Columbia World Largest cyclotron particle accelerator. Department of Defense 140 million Dollar contract Ebola Virus vaccine Arbutus Biopharma partner Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine petroleum polyethylene oxide PEG or PEO depending on Molecular weight nanoparticles founder British Columbia. Cole Harbor Arbutus Biopharma crossing the blood-brain barrier BBB, Nanoparticle drug delivery Arbutus Patent litigation with CEO BioNTech Uğur Şahin and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla flew on executive jet to Covid-19 Vaccine Lipid nanoparticles Founder receive no Royalties from Michael Bergmann Forschung Laboratory beside Woom Bikes and Egston Electronics West Bank Danube River Vienna or vedunia, meaning forest stream 15 BC Romans, Forschung Laboratory University of Vienna Rudolf IV, Duke of inner Austria founder Germany divide Habsburg territories 1379 Treaty of Neuberg descendant Coronation of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor Old Zürich War.
Civil War Battle of Fredericksburg “Hunt Architect AECOM birth of the skyscraper” NYSE Stock Exchange founder Buttonwood Agreement inside the Tontine Coffee House registration of ship cargo and the trading of slaves. Tontine annuity shares increasing as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income.
Chinses sun Tôn Korean son Tôn. Corona Button Accordion Music Baden-Württemberg lineage SARS-CoV-2 VOC. TVOC Total Organic Volatile TOV.
Bible time 7245 Occurrences. τὸν (ton) 1588 Occurrences τὸν father of Rehoboam, father of Amos τὸν father of Matthan τὸn Joseph Father Jesus tek'-tone carpenter. Time Fathers Plague out hand of Slave Moses on Mount Carmel by Technion University Covid-19 research Naveh Tov
I only know 15 People from Canada and there all From British Columbia the BC Reservation Indians vandalize my House in Minnesota and BC Children's Camp worker I met on the Buss to Nelson New Zealand and 3 months later at the NZ and Australia Airports and the Miami Jews from Steamboat moved to BC Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort owner Nippon Cable and NHK Nippon Olympic Broadcasting Covid Updates the World Largest Spring Manufacturer NHK in Yokohama population of 3.8 million was a small fishing village Until arrival USA Navy Commodore descendants signers Mayflower Compact
CEO Mitsubishi Motors and Pacman founder from Yokohama National University nanoparticles ICFMP International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism IEEE in Yokohama was Japan first explosive manufacturer Nipon Agrochemical, Dye-sublimation printing Coated paper Nippon Ink 176 Subsidiaries DIC Corporation Beverage can printing ink
Catcher in the Rye Book owner's assassin Ronald Reagan and Beatles John Lennon, wife Yoko Ono grandfather founded Fuji Bank impact zone 911 flight 175 flying from Hartford Connecticut to Tampa Airport HOK also build Apple 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino CA
K2 Scientific Freezers & Refrigerators vaccine of Pfizer Founded Spice k2 Drug soaked in Paper the K2 Drug Hidden on the Smallest Piece of paper so all Prisoners receive Photo Copied Mail. Hide $2000 Dollars K2 drug on 1 Postage Stamp or Soak a Million dollars K2 drug in your hair and get arrested with Street Drugs $5 dollars are worth $100 dollars in Prisons the Prisoners use Apple core shavings to Roll a Joint and Hide Drugs in a Box of 100 Sugar Packets. 90% Prison Fights Because Prisoners go crazy on K2 Drug everyone gets locked down many months so many gangs hate K2. Corona-virus Gallic acid proteins Iron gall ink Bible Dead Sea Scrolls US Bank Displayed at Minnesota Children's Museum by Airport involving Senator Paul Wellstone plane crash and the 2008 Republican National Convention in the Wild Hockey Stadium Owner Glen Taylor makes Green Ink President Abraham Lincoln named Gunpowder Ink in Sparks Maryland water testing Tayler Gallic Acid Ink Regent Self Life. Saltpeter rare Minerals in Yellow School Bus Paint. VOC Adriaen Block founded Manhattan and Hartford Connecticut the Nutmeg State Born Frederick Law Olmsted landscape White House and Niagara Falls. Mankato East High School Jeff Taylor stole five Million dollars from his dad Harvard Graduate Glen Taylor then Jeff Taylor supplied 30 High Schools Illegal Drugs with Paul Plaguel date Anne Yang “Nicknamed” Yang her Bang Her Gang Bang her and Jeff Taylor Date Reah Fredricks became a Lawyer and Jeff Taylor roofies date rape drug many passed out Girls taken to Meat Market Humane Body parts in Hardees Hamburger at UCSB University Chancellor Henry Yang Born in China the Yin and Yang, Wei Boyang invented Gunpowder as a Medicine in Han Dynasty, Wuhan originate first Corona Virus Spread with the sun light so obviously the World's First nuclear Reactor at Harvard start First Covid-19. First Recipe Gunpowder Roger Bacon a Friar. Neck Tattoos Gangs and K2 Drug controls all Earth Prisons ran by Apple Computers first wireless Keyboards the K2 Bluetooth named after burial mound, Harald Bluetooth and Cnut, King Denmark and England, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hamburg. 105 postmortem VOCs volatile organic compounds VOC Covid-19 Bat vi-Rome zoonotic viruses, Variant of Concern VOC testing Bag target. Baghdad Iraq Ports exports VOC Verification of Conformity with COI Certificate of Inspections, VOCIV variegates food supply chain security Veritone criminal face Recognition, Veritor Covid-19 Test. Sickle Blood Cell Blocked Vaso‐occlusive crisis VOC Leprosy Treatment CYP2C9 gene making an enzyme, Nutmeg contains natural myristicin in large doses a hallucinogenic buzz last two days much like LSD there 100 Poisonous Plants and Seeds toxic compounds made safe to eat modified foods Thor Nutmeg Mace Rapeseed oil 95% less nicotine in cigarettes XXII Aurora Cannabis THC CBD oil THOR Ghost Train Haze Lemon Pepper, Citrus Skunk Marijuana nugget sativa Jesus OG Lemon Kush Hash Indica inn Hotel founder Coffers of Queen Elizabeth BIC British East India Company captured Largest Portuguese Carrack Lighter Ship a Phoenician shot tail taken to Dartmouth Devon Harbor with Cargo Amber Whale oil flavor Coffee, Red Dye, Cochineal bug Scarlet Dye, Benzoin tree frankincense flavor Sumatra Coffee. ADAM protein cell entry point Covid-Sars Mace-2 Angiotensin-converting enzyme heart disease 1931 Coronavirus first described in HCoV-229E isolated in 1965 humans, Daiichi Sankyo vaccine and Vocin Drug treats Plague and Bronchitis 2004 Netherlands Viral envelope Human Coronavirus NL63 SARS respiratory distress syndrome 2003 Hong Kong Hotel inn. Virus-Host MERS coronavirus 2012 Sadi Arabia and Jordan. Israel missile Spice Bomb. America First Secret Photography from space Corona Satellite Cuban Missile Crisis. Voćin massacre Croatia crossroads Pan-European corridors train to Wuhan China Tobacco spice extraction
Peabody Engineering beside Pacifica Food Manufacturers by Crossroads Mall Corona California “CA” Few Places in the World found tin when they first started making tin food cans the World's richest Tin mine many clay products from the Corona CA Mine is the most ligated Property in CA is one of six CA cities that still has mining operations within its boundaries the Corona CA Santa Fe Railroad Car ballast from the Pisgah Volcano by the Riverside CA Corona Mine previous names Peggy Mine by the World First Mcdonnolds the San Bernardino CA Shooting killed 16 people The Railroad, Power Line and Duracell Batteries owner Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway cotton Mills Adams Massachusetts Pfizer Quarry renamed Adams Lime Quarry marble district Corona Copper Mine
24 Cocktails with lemon juice, Corona CA the Lemon Capital of the World producing 30,000 cases lemons daily. Child Nutrition Vocational Innovations, Corona medical trash Bags on Harrison Street Corona Water Treatment Plant on the Corona CA Santa Ana River Market Street Bridge Adams Motorsports Park Ryder Truck rentals and Surefire police Flashlight beside Warren Buffet Costco, Pyramid Laboratories and French Stock Exchange owner Schneider Electric Nashville Headquarters Hardee's Hamburgers Restaurant Previous Headquarters Carpinteria CA “Rincon Surf spot” Santa Barbara UCSB University Opus Lab, Kavli Institute 400 million Dollar Donations from Charles Munger and Warren Buffet paid 600 million Demolition 911 World Trade Center 3 Nuclear Reactors in the Basement World Trade Center WTC originally one of 16,000 A&P Grocery Stores Adams Pharmacy 40 years world's largest retailer
Surfing Puerto Rico Rincon Nuclear Reactor
A&P Partners Law firm invested $20 million in anti-coronavirus technology Elysium Health budding yeast
ἀπ' (ap) — 126 Occurrences departed out of ἀπ Noah's ark Dove bird does
Dose Vaccine Queen Catherin the Great Doctor Thomas Dimsdale Invented the Donut in Building Printed first bible by London Bridge pegs first built by Romans
Singer Joe Cockers Forman with Grateful Dead followers often at Steamboat Dos Amigos Mexican Bar Restaurant with My boss Tom Turner leaning backwards in People Magazine Death Jerry Garcia then 12 years later Opus Construction Superintendents where in Vietnam together Tom Turner, Bob Halverson, Dick Orendorf and Nelson murder Senator Paul Wellstone
Noah Ark Mount Ararat lava flood from numerous cones volcanic complex change's eruptive locations and habits on Mount Arat first ascent Russian Army Surgeon Margraviate of Baden father was the first rector Virology Microbiology University of Tartu with Arat first ascent father of modern Armenian literature mysteriously vanished in 1848 and Born by Yerevan Wines, Coca-Cola and Pepsi Bottlers Armenia Factory the World largest publicly traded natural Gas Company Gazprom exclusive right to export natural gas from Russia, Oil Company Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma launch world's first plant-based Covid vaccine and Green Cross Japan's first commercial Blood Bank performed Torture Experiments Unit 731 during WW2 and Scandal 3,000 Japanese contracted HIV from blood known to be unsafe
In 1353 Eastern Rome Bubonic Plague Black Death killed 200 million people originating China Han People Yunnan 800 Miles to Wuhan Military Research Institute makes the National Defense Telecom and Batteries and Dongfang Electric the world's largest manufacturer of steam turbines Mitsubishi Elevator
Russian Cannibal Caught After His Mitsubishi Car Crashed and corpse fell out of trunk Army Drum Corps
Church meets in Wuhan
World Oldest Condoms excavated from ground limestone Dudley Castle William the Conqueror Europe Only Active Volcano Vesuvius Cores dated by potassium argon Temperature and Radium Founder Pierre Curie's daughter Ève Curie the world 2 largest shipping Company Hamburg line Rockefeller Center 1251 Avenue Americas world largest corporate Group Mitsui BHP World Largest Mining Group put Heroin and Opium in Chinese cigarettes millions unsuspecting consumers became addicted to narcotics Cenex Gas CHS Agricultural cooperative Ventura CA BHP
Riot and Bitman Bitcoin in Alcoa Aluminum Factory Wuhan Chemicals Mitsui BHP founded in Hotel Beside Amsterdam Canal House Anne Frank born Hospital Speyer richest Jew married CEO Deutsche Bank founder Seamens born by 200 AD Roman Iron Mine
10 Mazatlán Mexico kidnapers attended American colleges and got arrested then never graduated and Gang Leader Hotel owner's son Paulo Graduated College Santa Maria CA and date 14-year-old girls with Heart Attack Drug Pimp Luis everyday Called his Girlfriend that worked Denver CO Heart Surgery team and Pimp Boss’s 100% only drank Corona Beer
wăng Slang pp Creation Gods Fengshen Yanyi 1000 BC
Bats Rats Start First Covid-19 Wuhan Virology triggers Director General Wang Yanyi Bachelor's Degree Beijing Peking University, master's degree Colorado Anschutz School Medicine Army Chemical Weapons Hospital land donated by Lawyer represented (1) Alferd Packer Cannibalism on San Juan volcanic field (2) Teapot Scandale lease Navy Oil land with no competitive bidding (3) Armour Beef
Murder Paul Antonich his sister Karen a Nurse Colorado Anschutz School Medicine Anschutz world's largest owner sports teams and events + OIL (4) Hospital Namer Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell Placer Hi School Donner Party Cannibalism (5) Corona Curtin Founder Kentucky Fried Chicken chain founded HCA world largest private health care (6) Coors Beer Field Diamondbacks, White Socks Baseball, Salt River spring Training Owner Corona CA Jew Derrick Hall KB first Home Builder on NYSE founder Stephen Watts Kearny and Kit Carson, Mormon Battalion Salt River Gila River enters Colorado River Yuma AZ Nuclear Weapons
Gilead HIV vaccine, NutraSweet and Birth Control Pill Founder Pfizer Vaccine Searle CEO Secretary Defense Donald Rumsfeld invade Iraq
a little Balm Gilead Spice on Kamels Joseph Slavery + Queen of Sheba Latin: Regina austrin
bag·gil·‘āḏ Gilad 134 Occ Jordan River other side Transjordan land Given by Moses = Plague + after Lot destruction Sodom and Gomorrah
Tannic acid Red Wood Trees Leather Tanning Bark Spice Blend Za'atar Refugee Camp 1,500 Died in Lebanese Civil War and Za'atar 1948 Arab–Israeli War attack Bethlehem and Convoy Trucks to Hebrew University of Jerusalem Gilad Ben Menashe employer AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine
Coroner Coronator Jesus died veil torn
World first curtain wall 16 Cook Street TV World Trade Center World First Safety Glass Civil War inexpensive soda-lime glass Boston and Sandwich Glass Company = Libbey-Owens-Ford Model A Cars = Chappel Hill University Brent Glass 911 Flight 93 National Memorial
Libbey Glass Hi School (1) Music Director of the Baden-Württemberg Opera (2) Hooker #1 Frank Sinatra vehicle First Deadly Sin (3) NFL University Michigan Phizer Vaccine (4) World Series Chicago White Socks Stockings Previously Sioux City Cornhuskers moved Saint Paul Minesota 100,000 Acers Zebulon Pike Louisiana Purchase 15 States
Pike Peak NORAD shoot 911 Airplane
Became Nippon Sheet Glass & Eaton Truck Axel = Caterpillar Schneider Electric IT cabinets Baidu Apollo driverless vehicle Wuhan Corning Glass in iPhone
Glass 12 Occ Hyacinth (plant) killed by discus thrown by Apolo or Zephyrus God West Wind
Wuhan Gong at West Music Store beside Coralville Iowa Animal Hospital State Farm Insurance Rail Road ends Mormons March to Salt Lake City University Utah Glass Blower at Westinghouse Hanford Co by Uranium Mill
VOC Queen Victoria VIC Rough Collie Lassie Dog sold Fraud return Home
1000 BC Lassis yogurt drink mud Cup marijuana Bhang VOC Amsterdam red light district Glass Door
My Step Mom (1991 Book) virus called wuhan-400 (Dean Ray Koontz Book) Hells Gate hades MR Murder drank ½ Coors beer and Police saw 3 Bottles Corona in Trash can
Hardee's Hamburgers founded Chapel Hill NC and Rocky Hills North Carolina world's largest producer generic injectable pharmaceuticals Italy Hospira-Pfizer and Mcdonnolds Hamburgers Headquarters Lake Forest, Illinois Packaging Corporation of America PCA Tenneco oil Manhattan Project Nuclear weapons CNH Case, Steyer & New Holland Tractors International Harvester BNP Paribas Bank
Covid-19 closed Hardee's Pro Classic Tennis 2nd Place Zhang Shuai only surviving Chinese's Player Wuhan Open
Mcdonald's Grill & Ice Cream Machines Taylor Company beside Dog Grooming & Funeral Home on Adams St Rockton Illinois Founder Mormon Joseph Smith's cousin employer John Jacob Astor Fur Monopoly smuggle Opium in Chin
VOC Flying Dutchman Pirate Caribbean William Kidd build Trinety Church World Trade Center in 1775 British burned 25% Manhattan Buildings Earl Howe governor Barbados slaves, World Biggest Shugar Industry Dutch Brazil Sephardi Jews Spain
Mcdonald's First Meat Supplier OSI Group 10 employees in Prison for putting old meat in new meat at Yum Restaurants A&W Pirate Long John Silver's
Lethal Injection Prison Sheriff, John Long Routt named Rout County Steamboat Colorado CO
Rout 6 Occ enemy clamor noise swine
French éclair meaning "flash of lightning" Long John Donut
Mankato MN Immanuel Lutheran College (Eau Claire Wisconsin) Kato Kaelin witness O. J Simpson months before murder O.J Filmed Bullfrog Navy Seal
Sunkist Lemon Groves San Dimas CA ends Route 71 Corona freeway Highway
High Commissioner UN International Covenant Civil Political Rights WHO named variants of concern VOC and vari-ants of interest Delta Omicron COVID
Alien Film Ship Covenant Blade Runner virus (Music Festival) Corona Capital
Frame 33 Occ ex-out Exodus Moses way out slavery Covenant 9:11 Noah Flood
Who Framed Roger Rabbit on Corona Cartoons iheart
8 Chapel Hill North Carolina Girls friend Delta Airline Pilot Sharron Finch introduced me to a Nurse that lived in my Apartment in 1995 from University Chapel Hill Ralph Baric 2015 coronavirus in Animal waste a Chimera Ghost mixed with 2000 coronavirus Baric with Bat Women Shi Zhengli director Wuhan Institute Virology WIV by Wuhan Schneider Electric
laden Atmosphere Barometric Baric founder measure elevations on mountain's side of Roman archeological sites in Scotland created Military Ordnance Survey
Navy Seal had to Pee while shooting al-Qaeda original band Osma Bin Laden Band Terrorist rat pack
David Johson design Adds Food Distribution & military commissaries SpartanNash Finch = McLean Wholesale Grocery founder Chappel Hill University Opus Design Medtronic “Covidien” Johnson Controls
I lived in 5 separate Jewish houses with free prepared food Heart Surgeon Donald Williams “University Miami” Olympic Trainers Husbands Jew Dentists Hagen also Minneapolis Airport Northwest Mail Delta Airline Pilot Sharon Finch went on vacation to Africa then Moab Utah
Civil War Eli Lilly Covid Vaccine Bamlanivimab
Bible Moab Rose Sharon lily
NYSE Founder Fort Kearny Conagra Brands P&G Swanson Foods Birds Eye Pinnacle Foods Blackstone Investments Civil War Van Camp beans WW2 Roach Cannery Heart MIchigan Gatorade founder “University Miami” Naval Medical Research Great Lakes 1st identify influenza B virus
Lamborghini Diablo Singer Reba McEntire Contractor Brother Red Corvette and landlord of Eight Chapel Hill Hi School Girls moved to Steamboat Colorado together and Lived by the Courthouse across Bank of the West Paribas also wants my Bank Username and Password to Pay Rent on my Apartment Built on Climax Uranium
Turning off Credit Cards still allows automatic Payments
Schnider Electric China Stock Broker Europe Largest Bank Paribas Wuhan Tennis Open Winner from Minsk University WW2 NAZI Hospital
Nashville and Santa Barabara Carpentaria CA Hardee's Hamburger Headquarters and where both sides of My Family Lives Land surveyor Joseph Nicolet with John C. Frémont father-in-law Chapel Hill NC Harts Mill born Thomas Hart Benton Charter Schools
Heart 1223 Occ Jesus Take Heart Moab
USA oldest University Chapel Hill UNC (1) Vera archives Museum 13 *Grim Reaper Drawings woodcut inking block (3) UNC Founder military officer Battle Charlotte NC, Battle Hanging Rock, Catharine Littlefield Greene Husband named Greenville NC Founded Hardees Hamburgers (3) UNC 1st President Kemp Plummer Battle was President Chatham Railroad primarily haul coal to Confederate armament factories (4) V-12 Navy College (5) UNC Dining Hall named after General (6) UNC James Knox Polk 11th US President Mexican War Lost 7 states making America Much Larger (7) Senator Paul Wellstone (8) Professor Carolina Vera & Vera Foley (9) Vira Wine (10) CEO Hershey Company founded by Lancaster Prison public hangings until 1912
Roman Military Zone Lancaster Prison
Chapel Hill NC the River House, Willman Smith and Sandy Grow Telluride CO Marijuana with Blueberry Plants 1996 Heart Surgeon Donold Willams purchase extra Restaurant's meals for me living with Viray and Darin Zamzow and working with Vallery on a House beside Perry Mansfield Camp Founders from Smith College President son-in-law Charles Lindbergh Grave in Maui and Dad in Lakewood Cemetery Many Candy bar founders, Pillsbury, Senator Wellstone
Kickback very great plague Vira plural Virus נָגִיף nagif Virgin Mary Fall-trap Gin
Rule Iron Fist
Whole world in his hand Chapel Hill NC
Top Glove world's largest manufacturer gloves and face masks by Shell Gas & Tin Mines became Malaysia Largest City Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Pahang Virology by 2004 World Tallest Petronas Towers Architect Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) One World Trade Center / Jeddah Tower and World Longest Bridge in Yemen builder Osama Bin Laden a World Largest Construction Company SBG 200,000 employees Salem bin Laden sold Jets James R Bath partner President George Bush
Both My Grandpas Tore Down Churches to get Lumber to Build the House of my Uncle During Vietnam War Served in Germany then Drove the Land to Air Minneapolis Airport Shuttle and Called his Black Angus Cows Hear Boss and Rewinding the Movie Real the poop goes back in the cow butt
All Earth Objects Returns to Ground
Continental Breakfast Ritz Carlton Top Floor World Tallest Wuhan Greenland Center redesigned to be the 15th Tallest Skyscraper, Fisher Marantz Stone installed 88 vertical searchlights on World Trade Center and Times Square Ball High voltage power lines corona balls increase corona suppression
Wuhan Yellow Crane Tower destroyed 12 times, by warfare & fire
Pfizer Chapstick Lip Balm
Fore $30 Dollars I Purchase an Orange $400 Marmot Tent from Sierra Trading Post owner Activision Blizzard video Games
NASA Space Moon Launch Previously Orange Grove and Urine makes French Gunpowder
Orange Skin Donald Trump Coronavirus Aid Package Deal will keep open the last federally-run disposal site for radioactive construction Material the Manhattan Project MED World's first atomic bomb Uranium distributed in Building 5,000 Homes around Grand Junction CO also makes the Drug Id Bible used by 25,000 Law Enforcement Agencies and Military Worldwide and The Grand Junction Amalgamated Sugar Factory Building became the Climax Uranium Mill, Uranium One UUU Toronto 333 Bay Street Headquarters of West Law Black's Law Dictionary. Uranium One founder Merrill Lynch Bank of America sold to Russia Rosatom lignite Black Coal also provided 50 percent of the electric power in Greece Crown of Aragon or Corona D'Arrigo expulsion Jews
Mesa University Cadaver Donation Forensic research outdoor decaying human bodies by Climax Uranium Mill Cockroaches in sewer so Plug all Sink and bathtub drains stops Cockroaches spread Covid-19
First Chairman Federal Reserve Board Marrine Eccles grandson founder Amalgamated Sugar University Utah David Eccles Stadium Covid-19 Testing at the 911 World Trade Center 5-ton Artifact, My Brother Erich at Arcom design the software most Building Architects use and Eric wife Jennifer Strege works at Veterans Hospital Robotic Hearts University Utah semen analysis blockchain Black Rock also biggest Covid vaccine investor
Eccles Neace married Vice Chair Federal Reserve Randal Quarles director Carlyle Group Denny Hamburgers American Airlines Hit World Trade Center BOA owner Donold Trump Labor secretary Andrew Puzder CEO CKE Restaurants Hardee's Hamburgers
Ecclesia Greece Military Strategy 594 BC named Eccles Cake in Nelson, Lancashire England Schneider Electric
Volcano Refrigerator Magnet
My Maui Landlords (1) Provided Bails Drugs to Westin Hotel and Dad guard the USA President their Picture on refrigerator door (2) Maui Mall beside Plumbing Pipe Distributer and Masala Dad a Radio Preacher Victor had a 10 Foot PVC Cross outside my Room are Millionaire Landlord worked at Safeway Grocery store gathering Carts by the Post office ran by Victor wife Mom
Masala Spice Volatile Oil Content VOC
World Largest Commercial Property Owner CBRE Carlyle Group Coldwell Banker Real-estate Agent Ramon Corona Mora by San Jose CA, Vons Safeway Grocery Store Headquarters by Climax Uranium Mill Grand Junction CO (1) Founded Marmot Clothing owner Jaden Rubbermaid Ball Canning Jars (2) Ricky Schroder (Movie) Terror on Highway 91 Noah Ark Hell's Kitchen
First Mexican CEO American supermarket chain Vons an Air Force Drill Sargent and BOA Merrill Lynch a Minister Founded Pay-Less Drug in Rochester MN and Skaggs Safeway Grocery founded at American Falls Idaho Power Plant John Jacob Astor Expedition Wilson Price Hunt Boat went over Water Falls Camped John C Fremont and Mormons Founded Moab Utah
Omni Book Mormon record keeper Moab
Felix Boettcher 60% Worldwide Printing Press Roller Coatings
inner ear Cochlea Boettcher Cell
Yorkshire England Walker brothers of Salt Lake City 1915 World Largest Mining Companies Anaconda or Amalgamated Copper British Petroleum World Largest Oil Spill John Rockefeller wholesale grocery business military units Amalgamated Sugar Founder Printing Press George Cannon and Leonora Taylor accompanied Joseph Smith died in Carthage limestone Jaill Mormon Founder Brigham Young born Whittingham Vermont Isaac Goodnow founded Manhattan Kansas's + Morrill Land-Grant
3rd President Mormon John Taylor born Hadrian's Wall Roman Milles Eighty 36 Occ Moab subdued
NAZI Airbase Kölleda born Charles Boettcher founder Ideal Cement and Grand Junction CO Amalgamated, Western Sugar Cooperative purchase WW2 solder Johnson Plummer Shakey's Pizza, Anheuser-Busch RR and Donate Million Homeless People meals USA Largest Private Rail Road OmniTRAX Port of Churchill end Canadian Wheat Board Monopoly
San Diego CA Bus + Train Payment Bank Card OMNY One Metro New York bus Terminal Omni Hotel
BlackRock Manhattan by Belgium Neuhaus Chocolate Omni Berkshire Sheraton Hotel, Donald Ross Golf Course Omni Mount Washington Hotel establishing World Bank and International Monetary Fund
LCMS Imanuel Church and St Paul Evangelical Lutheran by Climax Uranium Mill
LCMS Church Kalamazoo Michigan Pfizer Vaccine Factory
Brunni (./1896) :pas en France, Bouygues et SFR sont coutumiers du fait
qu'ils t'ont forcé dans la gueule d'une façon qui serait illégale partout ailleurs.
Brunni (./1895) :C'est de plus en plus à la mode : ils piègent une première personne, puis à partir de son compte mail déterrent des anciennes conversations pour renvoyer un mail vaguement en rapport et contenant un lien ou une PJ.
J'ai reçu l'autre jour un spam avec le nom de… mon ex boss, disant qu'elle avait "une tâche urgente pour moi".
J'ai quand même hésité deux minutes parce que ça paraît probable. En plus les 2 destinataires étaient mon adresse perso et mon ex adresse du boulot 😳 c'est vraiment fou.
Heureusement il y avait presque exactement le même mail d'une autre personne, rien à voir avec mon ex boîte, aussi adressée à ces 2 adresses, me faisant dire que c'est un spam. En plus le libellé est précédé de Re:.
[Edit] Ah non, une recherche sur LinkedIn me signale que cette autre personne est aussi employée dans mon ancienne boîte. Mais je pense que gros rigolos comme ils sont ils ont dû se choper un ver qui envoie ce genre de messages. Mais je me demande quel est le sens. Genre si je réponds, qu'est-ce qu'on essayera de me faire faire. Mais ma curiosité ne dépasse pas le seuil pour faire ce test 🤔
Brunni (./1895) :Probablement te faire acheter une carte prépayée ou quelque chose de ce genre :
Genre si je réponds, qu'est-ce qu'on essayera de me faire faire. Mais ma curiosité ne dépasse pas le seuil pour faire ce test 🤔
If you happen to spot a fake boss scam, or your business is targeted by one, notify your real supervisor right away and report it to ReportFraud.ftc.gov.Au moins y a une bonne action que je peux faire : ne PAS reporter
flanker (./1906) :
Oui, la PN et la GN qui écrivent un courrier ensemble… aucune chance