Zerosquare (./13115) :
Le fait est que si les pourcentages qu'ils citent sont représentatifs, peu importe la justification, ça ne peut tout simplement pas marcher pour la grande majorité des gens (aussi bien pour les femmes que pour les hommes, d'ailleurs : les rares hommes qui sont courtisés par toutes n'ont aucune raison de choisir une femme "moyenne").
Lonely Ape Dating Club launches to help Bored Ape NFT collectors find love, or maybe pay for it
— web3 is going just great (@web3isgreat) March 8, 2022
February 14, 2022https://t.co/QQaLBQrMnV pic.twitter.com/AIpRPIFP2o
The Lonely Ape Dating Club project announced their plans to build a dating app specifically for owners of Bored Ape NFTs—NFTs featuring illustrations of apes that trade for an average of around 90 ETH ($225,000). The app is not currently accepting signups from people who don't own a BAYC NFT, which raises more than a few questions about how successful a dating app will be when its pool of users seems to be overwhelmingly male, though perhaps I'm making too many assumptions about their sexualities. The app does promise plans to release a "Coin Digger" feature, which would "allow non-BAYC owners to connect with higher net worth individuals for mutual benefit", so perhaps that is their plan to solve that problem.
The rest of us can only hope that this app enjoys wild success and reduces the number of cryptobros on the other dating apps out there, perhaps sparing women who are otherwise being cornered by surprise conversations about how their date spends all his money on terrible JPEGs, "for the art, of course".
which raises more than a few questions about how successful a dating app will be when its pool of users seems to be overwhelmingly maleJe pense que ce que les auteurs du site ont surtout pris en compte à propos des utilisateurs cible, c'est qu'ils ont démontré qu'ils étaient apte à acheter des trucs inutiles sans trop se poser de question, ce qui pourrait être la vraie clé du succès.
C'est triste. Pour plus d'une raison.‘Fictosexual’ man married hologram bride, but now struggles to bond with herNew York Post“Fictosexuals” are people who are sexually attracted to fictional characters.
While Kondo acknowledges his relationship might be odd — he understands Miku isn’t a real person — it doesn’t change his feelings for her. Since falling in love with her in 2008, Kondo was finally able to interact with Miku for the first time in 2017 thanks to a Gatebox, a $1,300 machine that allowed device owners to interact with characters via holograms and even unofficially marry them.
But now, his four-year marriage took a turn when support for Gatebox software was eliminated, meaning that Kondo could no longer speak with his wife Miku, according to Newshub.
Bloomberg’s report also noted Tinder was testing a $500 monthly plan, which Match also confirmed but declined to provide details.
Il attaque en justice une femme qui refuse de se mettre en couple avec lui
À Singapour, un homme réclame plus de 3 millions de dollars singapouriens (2 millions d’euros actuels) de dommages et intérêts à une femme qui a déclaré qu’elle ne le voyait que comme un ami, affirmant qu’elle lui a causé un traumatisme et a porté atteinte à son « excellente réputation ». La femme a elle déposé une plainte pour harcèlement à son égard, et obtenu une procédure d’éloignement.