Hi guys,

So first 1.9 GTi 16v 4x4 was born one hour ago picol picol grin grin grin

it's in instalater's car

It's wonderful! heart top
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Darja this photo them but will say more :-)

Citroen BX 1.9 GTi 16V 4WD ... 150 rank grass-hopper


Hi Darja , very impressive this BX !! eek eek
C5 2.2 HDI Exclusive 2001 : une superbe automobile pour tous les jours , puissante , confortable , fiable , économique , bourrée d options.
XM V6 1991 : une automobile exeptionnelle dans tous les domaines !


Hi wink

Did it cost a lot to make this bx running with a 16v engine with four wheels drive confus

As i know, 4x4 doesn't have 16v, so a new car top

Another picture of the making of this Bx should be good to show to everyboy how it was made.

Great job love
RIP Bx Turbo D de 1989 520137kms, le 15/08/2015 à 26a

Dédicace à une petite fille merveilleuse Chloé

Roule en Xantia 1.9td vsx et C3 A51


It's not so expensive if you're working on it :-)
the biggest problem are exhaust pipes, because 16 soupapes has pipes: 8 pipes-2 pipes-1 pipe and exhaust from 4x4 4 pipes and than it comes in to one pipe... So you need to transform pipes like this picture (for sure- this are 4 pictures in one) 1715556_8.jpg

Of course 4x4 wasn't made as 16v.. Just Peugeot 405 Mi16 4x4 was the same engine like in 16v and four-wheel drive..
the biggest problem of this "transformation" I find in torgue, because 1.9 4x4 was more powerfull in lower revs, 16v is powerfull in higher revs. But it's interesting work :-)

Where's Phippe_G? I think he wants to made the same car 16v 4x4 :-)
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Great thing, another picture??? grin

Did you take BX 16v engine or a 4x4 16s of 405 with full four-wheel-drive system???

Or took 4X4 system of a 405 4x4, and put on 16v Bx confus

Not a lot of money if your able to transform all thing and have enough place to work.

But all transformations are allowed in your contry hum

In france, it's impossible to make major change, like put a 1,7Turbo diesel on a simple diesel or something else.

RIP Bx Turbo D de 1989 520137kms, le 15/08/2015 à 26a

Dédicace à une petite fille merveilleuse Chloé

Roule en Xantia 1.9td vsx et C3 A51


I know, you've forbiden all transformations as us.. in our country is the same, but when you have 16v papers, nobody cares about 4x4... Worst is to have 4x4 papers and 16v inside :-)
F.E. On technical control technicist couldn't find type of my engine, so they deleted it from Big technical identity card. They're stupid... :-O :-D

Instalater put 16v engine into BX 4x4. (It's almost imposible to get P405 Mi16 4x4 in good shape... But more imposible is to get P405 T16!! I wanna this engine! :-D )

My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Great thing, another picture??? grin

Did you take BX 16v engine or a 4x4 16s of 405 with full four-wheel-drive system???

Or took 4X4 system of a 405 4x4, and put on 16v Bx confus

Not a lot of money if your able to transform all thing and have enough place to work.

But all transformations are allowed in your contry hum

In france, it's impossible to make major change, like put a 1,7Turbo diesel on a simple diesel or something else.

I am sorry for mine English. To the classical body and then to the mock - up 16V it is not possible mount system 4x4 because 4x4 has other body. Difference is in according to, since there walks cardan also exhaust. Is used mock - up BX Gti 1.9 4x4 and effected engine replacement on 16V.

Darja když tak to přelož správně :-) díky.

Omlouvám se za mou angličtinu. Do klasické karoserie a tedy do modelu 16V není možné namontovat systém 4x4 protože 4x4 má jinou karoserii. Rozdíl je v podleze, jelikož tam jde kardan i výfuk. Je použit model BX Gti 1.9 4x4 a provedena výměna motoru na 16V.
Citroen BX 1.9 GTi 16V 4WD ... 150 rank grass-hopper


Great ! Congratulations !

Next year, there will be two like that in CZ ! A white and a red one.

Next step is to fit the manifold of a BMW, isn't it ? grin I know one like that top

Take care



Actuelle: BX 16 Soupapes Noire Onix 92' 162.000km
Mes anciennes: BX GTi 16 Soupapes 87' Mk1 - BX Ourane 93' - BX TZDT 90' - BX Ourane 92' - BX Ourane 93' - BX TRDT 90' - BX TZDT 90' - BX GTi 16 Soupapes Mk1 - BX GTi 90' Export - BX TRD 85'


Philippe_G :
Great ! Congratulations !

Next year, there will be two like that in CZ ! A white and a red one.

Next step is to fit the manifold of a BMW, isn't it ? grin I know one like that top

Take care


Philippe, it's sad you can't come :-( My 16v will be at home (works in progress) and I'll come at meeting with 1.6 TOP. So I hope I'll finish my works for next french meeting 2007 ;-)
Instalater isn't so mad as Jiri with his BMW something :-D
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Darja :
So I hope I'll finish my works for next french meeting 2007 ;-)

Actuelle: BX 16 Soupapes Noire Onix 92' 162.000km
Mes anciennes: BX GTi 16 Soupapes 87' Mk1 - BX Ourane 93' - BX TZDT 90' - BX Ourane 92' - BX Ourane 93' - BX TRDT 90' - BX TZDT 90' - BX GTi 16 Soupapes Mk1 - BX GTi 90' Export - BX TRD 85'


Darja :
So I hope I'll finish my works for next french meeting 2007 ;-)


Something's wrong?
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


No. He is just pleased to see the car ... and probably also to meet you again wink



Darja :
So I hope I'll finish my works for next french meeting 2007 ;-)


Something's wrong?

Oh nooo !! It's Cool grin
Actuelle: BX 16 Soupapes Noire Onix 92' 162.000km
Mes anciennes: BX GTi 16 Soupapes 87' Mk1 - BX Ourane 93' - BX TZDT 90' - BX Ourane 92' - BX Ourane 93' - BX TRDT 90' - BX TZDT 90' - BX GTi 16 Soupapes Mk1 - BX GTi 90' Export - BX TRD 85'


Instalater says, it's working perfect for long distances ;-)
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Wouahouuuu!! eek
BXsiste chevronné!


Ourane, GTI 4x4, 14E 1984, 19i BVA
Ex GT et 19D


Well done! top
1989 - Citroën BX 14 de base - 261.000 kms - Bleu Olympe


Darja (./1) :
Hi guys,
So first 1.9 GTi 16v 4x4 was born one hour ago

First where? This one was drivable in Finland in february 2009 tongue And it has the Peugeot Torsen rear boing

More here: http://sitruuna.unk.fi/gallery/users/Cibx/Nelikko/
BX 16Si Van BX 18TD Van BX Break 19TRI 2CV6 etc.. Finlandé.


BXsiste chevronné!


BX 15 RE 136 200 km (presque restauré)En activité
BX 19 RD EVASION288 600 => 358 643 km (H.S. à cause d'un arbre de m***e)
Prochainement une BX 16 TRS de 86 avec option clim.
Le temps qu'il y aura du pétrole il y aura des BX ^^
Souvenir d'une 16 trs de 83, que mon père avait quand j'étais jeune, qui malheureusement fini à la casse, à cause de la rouille, plus tard il me faudra une bx série 1 ;)


CableGuy (./20) :
Darja (./1) :
Hi guys,
So first 1.9 GTi 16v 4x4 was born one hour ago

First where? This one was drivable in Finland in february 2009 tongue And it has the Peugeot Torsen rear boing

More here: http://sitruuna.unk.fi/gallery/users/Cibx/Nelikko/

Hello from Finland,

Actually the rear Torsen is normal Gti Bx 4x4 and the transfer gear box is from Peugeot 405 Mi16x4. The drive shafts has to be fixed from Bx and P405 together. top

Citroen Bx 16 soupapes 4wd Torsen


CableGuy (./20) :

First where? This one was drivable in Finland in february 2009 tongue And it has the Peugeot Torsen rear

Funny, sweety, but my post was from 2006 so, youre little bit late boing rotfl
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Hi Darja,

It's beeing a long time !

What about you ? How are you doing ?

Best regards from Switzerland,



Hi phillippe,

we have bad times now, I hope next year will be better :-)

Still have BX (16v and TD) and C5 :-D
Whats about you, living or working in switz?
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Darja (./26) :
we have bad times now, I hope next year will be better :-)

Still have BX (16v and TD) and C5 :-D
Whats about you, living or working in switz?

Hi Darja,

I wish you all the best for the very near futur !

Of course I still do drive a BX (4x4 combi), and I travel each week go and back between France and Switzerland (1.500 Km per week-end) :-)

Hoping to seen you again soon (I will go back to Roumania next year; it might be an opportunity !)

Best regards,


Hi Darja

you don't know me, but it seems you are quite a legend 'round here. so I write you because I want to make you an invitation for this year, sometimes during the summer, to our Citroen Club national meeting in Romania. hope you'll find the time to pay us a visit, maybe together with Philippe who's also coming this year for it's second visit already. we didn't do any arrangements yet but I'll keep you informed as soon as we do settle the details. until then, you can check our site http://www.clubcitroen.ro and take a glimpse to my car too http://www.clubcitroen.ro/forum/about8891.html . here is my email [email]andrei.ciocarlan@gmail.com[/email]

have a happy new year!

best regards

BX TZD Turbo 250.000km beaucoup de modifs
GSA Pallas 1982 80.000km et DSuper 1970 350.000km en cours de restauration


Am I a legend? I don't think so, but I thank you for invitation, honey:-)

When is your meeting? This year will be realy stressfull for me, so I must prepare all my stuff in this year in time! I hope it won't be in may.. that's dead month for me :-D

You've realy nice website, but your language is strange for me, so I have no idea where to find some infos about your meeting :-)
My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)


Hi Team,

Last year, the meeting took place in Jully. I think it will be also in Jully this year. As I will attend to the meeting this year again, I can first go to your place, and then we could follow each other to the meeting place tongue

Best regards and happy new year to all of the readers,
