Do you think that it could be usefull to post all the headers of ...\TIGCC\Include\ASM to the GNU as syntax ? It's a job I could do, since I can't help you on development in other languages...
Yes, I think it's useful to port to GNU as syntax the contents of some of the headers of include/ASM (I guess some of them, e.g. filelib and linelib, are outdated/deprecated).
Maybe as a single "kernel.h" file, like the C header of the same name ? Not maintaining 1:1 correspondence between A68k syntax headers and GNU as syntax headers would probably not create backwards compatibility problems: there aren't many kernel-based programs written in GNU as syntax.
I haven't ported them yet. I will do it soon, I just thinked it was useless. But I will send them.
BTW, do you think that include the genlib header in the include directory would be a good thing ? I'have also my own version of this header for GNU as.
Is genlib part of stdlib ?
* If it is, I think the GNU as header for Genlib should be put in both upstream Genlib and the include directory of a default GCC4TI installation;
* If it isn't, I think the GNU as header for Genlib should be put only in upstream Genlib for now. Addition to the include directory of a GCC4TI installation should come later, as part of ticket #30 (improved installers with bundled or downloadable external libraries and programs such as ExtGraph, Genlib, etc.).
What do you think ?
I was working on that, but I have seen some differences with PreOS /sdk/include/ headers :
- japlib.h is in the PreOS package
- there is huflib.h in PreOS pack, but hufflib.h in TIGCC
- some headers are different (hufflib and gray4lib) : in PreOS pack, the export are links to the ziplib and graphlib functions.
Question : what headers should I convert ? (PreOS ones I think, but I don't want to do useless job).