La liste sera souvent mise a jour car j'achète assez souvent des jeux (6 aujourd'hui XD )
Tout est en officiel sauf indiqué

- consoles de salon:
- Atari 2600
- Atari jaguar
- Nintendo entertainment system (NES)
- Nintendo 64
- SNK neo-geo
- SONY playstation 2
- Nintendo Wii
- Microsoft Xbox 360
- Microsoft Xbox Xecuter 2 HDD 160 go
- Schneider videopac +741
- Super nintendo
- SONY playstation
- Philips CDI 450
- SEGA megadrive
- SEGA megadrive 2
- SEGA mega-CD 1
- SEGA mega-CD 2
- NEC PC-engine core graph-X
- SEGA saturn
- SEGA dreamcast
- SEGA master system converter 2
- PIONEER Laseractive
total: 22
-Consoles portable/jeux electronique:
- BANDAI wonderswan color edition final fantasy 1
- Nintendo game boy
- Nintendo DS lite
- Gamepark 32 (GP32)
- Sony Playstation portable (PSP)
- SNK neo geo pocket color
- SEGA game gear
- Nintendo game & watch green house
- Nintendo game & watch gold cliff
- Nintendo game & watch spitball sparky
- Tiger after burner
- Tiger double dragon 2 the revenge
- Nintendo game boy advance Sp sponge bob edition
- Nintendo game boy advance Sp zelda edition
- Nintendo game boy advance blanche , violet
total: 15
Collection de jeux videos :
-consoles de salon
- Atari 2600
- Jungle hunt
- Dodge 'em
total: 2
- Metroid
- Nintendo world cup
- Kirby's adventure
- Stealth ATF
- Captain skyhawk
- Parodius
total: 6
- SNK neo-geo:
- The king of fighters '99
- Fatal fury special
- World heroes 2
- Samourai shodown 2
total: 4
- SONY playstation 2
- Final fantasy 10
- Final fantasy 10-2
- Final fantasy 12
- Dragon quest L'odyssé du roi maudit
- Kingdom hearts
- Kingdom hearts 2
- Star ocean 3 Till the end of time
- Devil may cry
- Devil may cry 2
- Devil may cry 3
- God of war
- God of war 2 collector
- Zone of the enders The 2nd runner
- Soul calibur 3
- Guilty gear X2
- Metal gear solid 2 Sons of liberty
- Metal gears solid 2 Substance
- Metal gear solid 3 Snake eater
- Metal gear solid 3 Subsistence
- R-type final
- Scarface The world is yours
- Tourist trophy
- Shadow of the colossus
- Castlevania
- Gradius 5
- Maximo
- Maximo vs army of zin
- Soul reaver 2
- Rule of roses
- Drakengard
- FF7 : Dirge of cerberus
- Dark chronicles
- Freedom fighters
- Legacy of kain defiance
- Def jam : fight for NY
- Shadow hearts : covenant
- Yakuza
- Valkyrie profile 2 : sylmeria
- Black
- Shin megami tensei : digital devil saga
- Shin megami tensei : lucifer's call
- Steel dragon EX
- King Kong collector
- Killzone
total: 45
- Nintendo Wii/gamecube:
- Wii sports
- The legend of zelda Twilight Princess
- Rayman contre les lapins crétins
- Super smash bros brawl
total: 4
- F-zero GX
- Sonic adeventure 2 battle
- Soul calibur 2
- Super smash bros melee
- Phantasy star online episode 1 et 2
- Animal crossing
- Metroid prime
- Viewtiful joe
- Baten kaitos les ailes eternelles et l'océan perdu
- Metal gear solid the twin snakes
total: 10
- Xbox 360
- Saint row
- Forza motorsport 2
- Dead or alive 4
- Test drive unlimited
- Kameo element of power
- Gears of war
- Lost planet
- Viva pinata
- Moto GP 06
- Dead rising
- Call of duty 4 modern warfare
- Oblivion GOTY
- Bioshock
- The darkness
- GTA 4
- Guitar hero 2
- Def jam icon
- Virtua fighter 5
- Gears of war 2
- The orange box
- Midnight club los angeles
- Xbox live arcade pack de 5 jeux
- Left 4 Dead
- Burnout paradise
- Halo 3
- Mirror's edge
- Street fighter 4
- Devil may cry 4 collector
total: 28
- Schneider videopac + 741
- 28 Volley ball electronic
- 38 Glouton et voraces
- 11 Guerre de l'espace
- 18 Guerre laser
- 6 Bowling/basketball
- 34 Les satellites attaquent
- 20 Catapulte
- 30 Champ de bataille
- 43 Peter tet de pioche
- 32 Le labyrinthe/Superlogique
- 44 Super glouton
- 23 Las vegas
- 2 Identification/Rendez-vous spacial/Logique
- 10 Golf
- 1 Course de voitures
- 4 Bataille navale/combat de chars
- 40 4 en 1 ligne
- 27 football de table electronique
- 35 billard
- 24 billard electrique (flipper)
- 33 les acrobates
total: 21
- Super nintendo
- Bahamut lagoon
- Super gouls'n ghosts
- Axelay
- Super r-type
- F-zero
- Illusion of time
- The legend of zelda a link to the past
- Another world
- Secret of mana
- Super mario world 2 Yoshi's island
- Starfox
- Super probotector alien rebels
- Flashback
- Nintendo scope 6
- Mystic quest legend
- Super castlevania 4
- Super metroid
- Super metroid jap
- Doom
- Super soccer
- Super mario all-star
- Final fantasy 5
- Final fantasy 6
- Dragon quest 5
- Dragon quest 6
- Donkey kong country 3
- Front mission
- Romancing Saga
- Seiken Densetsu 3
- Super aleste
total: 30
- Playstation
- Castlevania Chronicles
- Wip3out
- L'amerzone
- Myst
- Discworld
- Beatmania
- Front mission 3
- Saga frontier 2
- Metal gear solid
- Metal gear solid missions spéciales
- Valkyrie profile
- Valkyrie profile collector edition
- Les cochons de guerre
- Worms world party
- Vagrant story
- Blood omen : legacy of kain
- Soulblade
- Atlantis secret d'un monde oublié
- Riven the sequel to myst
- Final fantasy 7
- Final fantasy 8
- Final fantasy 9
- Medievil
- Suikoden
- Grandia
- Raiden project
- Dino crisis 2
- Tail concerto
- C-12 final resistance
- Soul reaver
- Secret of mana Millenium square edition
- Vandal hearts
- Street fighter alpha 3
- Heart of darkness
- Resident evil 2
- Alien trilogy
- Dinocrisis
total: 37
- Jeux Playstation CD-R :
- Street fighter alpha 3
- Tales of phantasia
- Xenogears
- Chrono trigger
- Chrono cross
- Final fantasy tactics
- Castlevania symphony of the nights
- Legend of mana
total: 8
- Philips CDI 450
- Dictionnaire Hachette multimedia
total: 1
- Sega megadrive
- Super street fichter 2
- Space harrier 2
- Castlevania the new generation
- NBA jam
- Castle of illusion starring mickey mouse
- The revenge of shinobi
- Shinobi 3 return of the ninja master
- Comix zone
- Thunder force 4
- La légende de thor
- Soleil
- Le roi lion
- Truxton
- Mega games 1
- Gouls'n ghost
- Sonic the hedgehog
- Sonic the hedgehog 2
- Sonic 3
- Sonic & knuckles
- Sonic spinball
- Sonic 3D
- Sonic compilation
- Shadow dancer
- Thunder force 3
- Road rash 2
- Aladdin
- World of illusion Mickey
- After burner 2
- Batman returns
- Roling thunder 2
- Shinig force
- Gynoug
- Gaiares
- Dragon revenge 2
- Landstalker
- Strider
- Another World
- Super hang-on
total: 38
- Sega mega CD
- Sherlock holmes volume 2
- Dune
- Road avenger
- The amazing spider-man VS. the hingpin
- Silpheed
- Farenheit
- FIFA soccer
- Thunderhawk
- Power monger
- Star wars rebel assault
- Final fight CD
- Microcosm
- Mahou no Shoujo: Silky Lip
total: 13
- PC-engine core graph-X
- Digital champ
- Space harrier
total: 2
- SEGA saturn
- Sega rally championship
- Nights into dreams
- Darius gaiden
- Shining force 3
- Virtua fighter 2
- Tilt
total: 6
- Sega dreamcast jeux CD-R
- Virtua tennis
- F355 challenge
- Powwer stone 2
- Ikaruga
- Jet set radio
- Cannon spike
- Space channel 5
- Ooga booga
- Soul Calibur
- Virtua cop 2
- Worms world party
- The last blade 2
- Gunbird 2
- Capcom VS snk 2
- The house of the dead 2
- Garou mark of the wolves
- Guilty gear X
- Street fighter 3 the third strike
- Confidential mission
- Spiderman
- Spawn in the demon's hand
- Star wars episode 1 racer
- The king of fighters '98
- The king of fighters '99
- Sonic adventure
- Street fighter alpha 3
- Psyvariar 2
- Zero gunner 2
- Border down
- Mars matrix
- Under defeat
- Marvel VS capcom 2
total: 33
- master system converter 2
- Sonic the hedgehog
- Sonic the hedgehog 2
- Ninja gaiden
- Thunder blade
- Streets of rage
total: 5
- nintendo 64
- Lylat wars
- Super mario 64
- Mission : impossible
- Star wars rogue squadron
- Goldeneye
- Star wars episode 1 racer
- Diddy kong racing
- Yoshi's story
- Super smash bros.
- Mario party 2
- Zelda ocarina of time
- Zelda majora's mask
- Wipeout 64
- Ogre battle 64
- Star wars Shadows of the empire
- Pokemon stadium 2
total: 16
- atari jaguar
- Iron soldier
- Wolfenstein 3D
- Dragon the bruce lee story
total: 3
- Microsoft Xbox
- Steel Battalion
- Steel Battalion : line of contact
- Ninja gaiden black
Total : 3
- consoles portables
- BANDAI wonderswan color
- Final fantasy 1
- Mr. driller
- Gunpey
- Final fantasy 4
- Robot taisen compact 2
- Guilty gear petit 2
total: 6
- Nintendo game boy/color/advance
- Tetris (GB)
- Metal gears solid 5 (GBC)
- R-type DX (GBC)
- Kuru Kuru Kururin (GBA)
- Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of souls (GBA)
- Final Fantasy IV Advance (GBA)
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
- Sword of Mana (GBA)
- Fire Emblem : The sacred stones (GBA)
total: 9
- Nintendo DS lite
- M3 DS simply
- Gamepark 32 (GP32)
- Tomak save the earth ,again
- All for princess -deadline-
- Kimchiman
total: 3
-custom firmware
- Game gear
- Le roi lion
- Ninja gaiden
- Sonic
- The game gear ninja
- Alladin
- Putt & putter
- Land of illusion starring mickey mouse
- Sonic blast
- Devilish
- 52 in 1
- Psychic world
- Desert strike
- Shinig force the sword of hajya
- Les schtroumpfs
- Global Gladiators
- Super monaco GP 2
- Leaderbord golf
- Spider-man
- Defender of oasis
- Crystal warriors
- Prince of persia
total: 22
- Neo geo pocket :
- Dark arms
- Biomotor unitron
- King of fighter R2
- Neo turf master
- Capcom VS snk the match of millenium
- The last blade
total: 6
total console : 37
total jeux salons : 274
total jeux portables : 46
total : 320
total graver play + dream : 41
total + total graver : 361
Voili , voilou

Toutes les photos prochainements j'ai une galerie en cours de constructions sur Picasa