-Chip'n Dale - Rescue Rangers (26/10/2009)
-Corvette ZR-1 Challenge (26/10/2009)
-Duck Tales (26/10/2009)
-Mario & Yoshi (26/10/2009)
-Mission Impossible (26/10/2009)
-Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt x2 (26/10/2009)
-Super Mario Bros 3 (26/10/2009)
-The Adventures of Bayou Billy (26/10/2009)
-Tortues Ninja
-Tortue Ninja 2
-> total: 12
Super Nintendo & Super Famicom:
-Donkey Kong Country
-Donkey Kong Country 2
-Final Fantasy V (13/10/2009)
-Killer Instinct
-Mr Nutz
-Secret of Evermore
-Secret of Mana
-Super GameBoy (pour jeux monochrome)
-> Total:8
Nintendo 64:
-Perfect Dark
->Total: 2
-Baten Kaitos
-Baten Kaitos Origins (version US)
-Tales of Symphonia
-Soul Calibur II
-TimeSplitters Fiture Perfect
->Total: 5
-Another Code R
-Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
-Let's Tap
-Metal Slug Anthology
-Okami (06/11/2009)
-Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
-Samurai Shodown Anthology
-Tales of Symphonia - Dawn of the new world (13/11/2009)
-The House of Dead 2 & 3 Return
-The King Fighters Collection - The Orochi Saga
-The Legend of Zelda - Twilght Princess
-Wii Sport (évidemment)
->Total: 13
GameBoy monochrome:
-Donkey Kong Land
-Donkey Kong Land 2
->Total: 3
GameBoy Advance:
-Golden Sun
-Golen Sun 2 - L'âge perdu
-Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Soul
-Final Fantasy VI Advance
->Total: 4
DS Lite:
-Chrono Trigger
-Etrian Odyssey (07/10/2009)
-Final Fantasy III (07/10/2009)
-Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings (07/10/2009)
-Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (07/10/2009)
-Suikoden Tierkreis
-Action Replay
->Total: 6
Neo Geo Pocket Color:
-Fatal Fury First Contact (version Jap)
-Samurai Spirit 2 (version Jap)
->Total: 2
-StarWars BattleFront II
->Total: 1
-Dragon Quest VIII - L'odyssée du roi maudit
-Final Fantasy X
-Final Fantasy X-2
-Kingdom Hearts
-Kingdom Hearts 2
-Les Sims
-(Shin Megami Tensei) Persona 4
-Rogue Galaxy
-Silent Hill 2
-TimeSplitters 2
-Wild Arms 5
-Action Replay Max
->Total: 11
-Dead or Alive 2
-Quake III Arena
-Metropolis Street Racers (MSR) (13/10/2009)
-Shadow Man
-Sonic Adventures
-Virtua Fighters 3 TB
->Total: 6
-CastleVania: The Dracula X Chronicles
-Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII
-Dissidia - Final Fantasy
-Final Fnatsy Tactics - The War of The Lions
-God of War - Chains of Olympus
-Resistance Retribution
-Action Replay
->Total: 6
-Age of Empire 2 - Gold Edition
-Command & Conquer: Alerte Rouge 2
-Counter Strike Source
-Final Fantasy VII
->Total: 4
-Final Fantasy Origins (Final Fantasy 1 & 2)
-Final Fantasy Athology (Final Fantasy 4 & 5)
-Final Fantasy VI (avec la démo de Final Fantasy X)
-Final Fantasy VII
-Final Fantasy VIII
-Final Fantasy IX
-Front Mission 3
-SaGa Frontier 2
-Silent Hill
-Tekken 3 (je l'avais pas vu celui-là...)
-V-Rally 2
-Vagrant Story
-Equilizer CDX
->Total: 13
Xbox 360:
-Batman - Arkham Asylum
-Dead or Alive 4
-Fable 2
-Far Cry Instinct Predator
-Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4, quoi)
-Magna Carta II (21/10/2009)
-Soul Calibur IV
-Star Ocean IV - The Last Hope
-Tales of Vesperia
->Total: 9
-Call of Duty - World at War
-Disgaea 3 - Absence of Justice
-Démo de FFXIII (en Jap, bien sûr)
-Resistance - Fall of Man
-Resistance 2
->Total: 4
Sega Rally Championship (15/10/2009)
->Total: 1
--> Totaux: 110 !!!
Soluce de Baten Kaitos
Soluce de Batman - Arkham Asylum
Soluce de Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII
Soluce de Dragon Quest VIII
Soluce de Final Fantasy III
Soluce de Final Fantasy IX
soluce de Final Fantasy X
Soluce de Final Fantasy X-2
Soluce de Final Fantasy XII
Soluce de Kingdom Hearts 2
Soluce de GTA 4
Soluce de Secret of Evermore
Soluce de Super Mario Galaxy
Soluce de Zelda Twilight Princess
Bon ben, voilà je crois que c'est tout...

Jeux disparus dans la nature