cette nuit dans la piscine. z'avez pas vu?
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960
*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina
sBibi> tu passes tes nuits devant ça ?
Slack Le 14/05/2002 à 18:53 Tu ne répond pas à ta question de départ
Kelso Le 09/07/2002 à 21:33 sBibi raconte tjs des conneries
et ya tjs des ... pour les gober
the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
and a dark wind blows
GYBE! Dead Flag Blue