Nouveaus topics, nouveaux bugs, nouveaux rapports.
v0.78: * Fix 'start' problem: Forget to add 'push_END_TAG' before calling run_script("main\start") in\
* Tiny modifications of the BOOT code.
* Fix bug of ST_eraseHelp: forget it wasn't a void function !
* Fix bug of idle function on 89. I hope it works on 89 HW1 now.
* Fix bug of PopupClear.
* Fix bug of completion in case of low memory condition (FIXME: To check!).
* Fix bug of address error if the shell has to display the complete menu if "main\s".
* Fix bug of circular definition if you call an asm program like this "main\stdlib": Use SymFi\
ndPtr in FindSymPath.
* Allow '\' char if it is the last char of the directory in cd command.
* Fix bug of function strncmp: too many chars were compared.
* Improve speed of Find/Replace of side (And the previous fix, fix them).
* Change ABI of VATAddSpecialFile.
* FlashInit is not separated in FlashAddArchivedFiles & FlashCheck.
* FlashAddArchivedFiles now uses VATAddSpecialFile (Safier since this functions does a lot of \
* Optimize a few the initialisation of all sector loops in flash.asm
* Fix bug of Popup in dialog, if you press ESC.
* Add QSort function (from tigcc sources). A little few change, too.
* VAT now uses qsort instead of bubble sort.
* Process: It uses LongWord to copy stack to buffer (Size Buffer increased of 2).
* SymMove checks if src name is inuse/archived/hidden before renaming it.
* Little change in dialog popups.
* Fix bug in StrToTokn.
* Add fopen/fclose/fread/fwrite/fgetc/fputc/rewind/ftell/fseek/fclearerr/fputs/fprintf/ferror/\
* Add stdin/stdout/stderr as stream.
* Add support of redirection: >, < and 2> work.