English version
Hi Every one !
The Retro-gaming Association is proud to announce the dates of the coming AC 2017.
The AC 2017 will take place on April 15th & April 16th in the ballroom of Congis (in the near of Paris – France). As usual a registration is mandatory in order to attend the event. The link to the online-form will be available within a few weeks.
The AC is a Gaming-Retro-Computer convention focused on all computers from the 70’s to the 90’s. As in the previous editions a Speed-coding party tournament will reward the best team for their coding, drawing and programming.
If you‘re no coder though you can participate to our “Gaming tournament“ and maybe win the right to bear the shield of retro-gaming.
If you’re searching for the rare piece to add to your collection, or maybe just a piece of hardware and an extension card ; you may find it in the exchange/Trading center.
Stay tuned for more details during the coming weeks.
We hope to see you soon
The RGC Team
You can watch the old editions here: topics/137621-manifestations-passees-old-events#0
The Retro-gaming Association is proud to announce the dates of the coming AC 2017.
The AC 2017 will take place on April 15th & April 16th in the ballroom of Congis (in the near of Paris – France). As usual a registration is mandatory in order to attend the event. The link to the online-form will be available within a few weeks.
The AC is a Gaming-Retro-Computer convention focused on all computers from the 70’s to the 90’s. As in the previous editions a Speed-coding party tournament will reward the best team for their coding, drawing and programming.
If you‘re no coder though you can participate to our “Gaming tournament“ and maybe win the right to bear the shield of retro-gaming.
If you’re searching for the rare piece to add to your collection, or maybe just a piece of hardware and an extension card ; you may find it in the exchange/Trading center.
Stay tuned for more details during the coming weeks.
We hope to see you soon
The RGC Team
You can watch the old editions here: topics/137621-manifestations-passees-old-events#0

Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
L'association Retro-gaming Connexion est heureuse de vous annoncer dès à présent les dates de la 13ème convention AC :
L'AC 2017 se déroulera les 15 et 16 avril 2017 à la salle des fêtes de Congis (77440 - France).
Comme toujours, l'inscription sera obligatoire via notre formulaire en ligne qui arrivera prochainement.
L'AC est un rassemblement autour de l'informatique ludiques des années 70 à 90 et comme chaque année, la rétro programmation en tout genre sera mise en valeur avec le concours speed coding. Vous pourrez retrouver aussi le tournoi "gaming" de la convention ainsi que le coin bourse/vente/échange.
Plus d'infos sur la convention ainsi que des précisions sur la coding arriveront par la suite.
A très bientôt !
L'équipe RGC
En attendant vous pouvez consulter les anciennes éditions ici : topics/137621-manifestations-passees-old-events#0
En attendant, voici un petit clip pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche / In the meantime, here's a little clip for you to wait: