SuperRTwww.shironekolabs.comVideo links for this article:
Short trailer Walkthrough and technical details I’m pleased to finally have some results to show for a project I’ve been working on in my spare time for the last year or so.
The idea originated when I was trying to think of an interesting idea for a project to help me learn Verilog and FPGA design, and the notion of building a simple raytracer came to mind (partly inspired by a scarily smart friend of mine who is building his own GPU).
+ d'infos en français sur le projet SuperRT

La Super NES expérimente le ray tracing !Tom’s Hardware : actualités matériels et jeux vidéoApporter le ray tracing sur une console âgée de 30 ans, c'est la prouesse réalisée par Ben Carter, lequel s’est inspiré de la puce Super FX.