When migration to the cloud leads to problems?
Due to lack of experience, it is easy to make critical mistakes that will lead to negative consequences for the business.
There is no dependency scheme between applications
If individual applications or services use the same database, then they can only be moved to the cloud in a complex, otherwise the business risks disrupting the usual performance of current tasks.
There is no migration plan (roadmap)
The plan clearly states what will be transferred to the cloud, in what volume and in what time frame. This is a consistent description of actions that will help to organize migration correctly, avoid chaos, lost data, and business process shutdowns.
Migration without prior testing
It may turn out that the cloud service provider is not suitable for the company's tasks. To prevent this from happening, request a test period and familiarize yourself with the service in detail by launching a "raw" project in the cloud (not from production!). Evaluate the reliability of the service, how quickly technical support responds to questions, whether it is convenient to redistribute resources and perform other actions in your personal account.