> For how long have you been ATARI fans ?
we got an ATARI 260 ST at Christmas 1996. Since this time we are Atari fans.
> When did you begin programming ?
My brother does all the programming, he started playing around with GFA
Basic not long after we got the machine. Later he programmed in Assembler.
> What was your first software ?
Software i used or software we did ? I used Degas and Degas Elite a lot in
these days. We made some games, but none of them were ever released to the
> Do you still use your ATARI computers, for instance at work ?
No. It is hard to do some serious rendering stuff with this machines these

My brother does all the lynx programming on his Falcon. He programmed also
the Native demo
with his Falcon.
> And now we hear of your latest project : a Lynx game : Alpine Games. how
> did you decide to make this game ?
We liked the Epyx Games series, in fact the first game we played on the
Atari was World Games, which really rocked. And back in 1999 when we got a
BLL Kit from Bastian Schick we decided to program a game like Winter Games
on the Lynx.
> Will it be a two-player game ?
No, because the game was not planed as two player, and it's a lot of work to
change it, when it's not implemented from the start.
> How long will we have to wait before it's completed ?
Well, it is almost complete, just some tweaking left to do. We think the
game will be ready by the end of the year 2003.
> How much will be the retail price ?
Depends on the material costs, I hope we can bring the price under 40 euro
> I've discovered your website by hearing of this game, wasn't your website
closed ?
We hadn't time to do a new one as we both has also fulltime jobs
The new one is online since 2 month or so.
> Thanks to your website we have discovered NATIVE again. I must confess
> that afterwards I played the demo again.^^ On your website we can download
> two videos, on which we can see two bosses from Native and some
> new things, such as the coulour of the spaceship and an interesting
> possibility (or graphic effect ?) on the second video. Were those two
> sequences in 1997 programmed, or are they more recent ?
The native stuff is very old, must be from 97 or so. I think, I have not
touched it in ages. Some of the graphics you mentioned where done 2 month
after we stopped work on Native. They where planed for a Native on NUON, but
VMLabs was not interested in 2D Games in these days.
>Why did you wait until today to share them ?
Because we had no Webpage to put it onto.
>Have you really given up working on Native ?
Perhaps we will pick it up one day again, who knows, but for now,
espescially I don't have the time to do it as the most stuff that had to be
done is level design and Graphics.
>Don't you fear you may disappoint your Fans ?
We never promised anything to the Jaguar Fans.
> I've heard that you've made the FMVs for Iron Soldier 3, is it true ?
> How did you get involved in this project ? How was the atmosphere at
> Software ? What do you think about their team ?
It was at the time my brother talked with Marc Rosocha from Eclipse about
getting a NUON development Ssystem. He just startet with Iron Soldier III,
and so I got in contact with him.
It was a lot of fun to do this stuff with the eclipse team.
> Do you I stand a chance of working at a trainee ? At least in the
> district, for I don't have
> any knowledge in programming ?
Trainee ? We are not a professional company, just two brothers doing some
games in our spare time. I am working at a games company doing graphics
stuff and my brother who did
all the programming of our games works as network administrator.
Johannes / Duranik
bon oubliez ma dernière question en fait je voulais bosser chez Eclipse