oula, avec zrll il faut que ce soit pointu
mais il y a quelque chose que je trouve bizarre: j'ai l'impression que morpheus ne dit pas exactement "Were you listening to me Neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress ?"
J'ai l'impression qu'il raccourcit la phrase... T'as vu en combien de temps il la dit? 2s pour dire tout ca, ca me parait bizarre...
Alors la suite:
[musique genre shiiiiiiiiiiiii aspiré]
-Morpheus: freeze it.
-neo: this is not the matrix ?
-It's another training program designed to teach you one thing: if you're not one of us, you're one of them.
-who are they ?
-sentient program. They can move in and out in software still hardwired to their system. That means that anyone, we haven't unplugged, is potentially an agent. Inside the matrix, they're everyone, and they're noone. We've survived by hiding and running out of them. But they're the gatekeepers. They're guarding all the doors, they're holding all the keys. That means that sooner or later, someone will have to fight them.
(je passe le relais a zrll
