bah ouais...
bon, ça y est, je me lance grin

bon... si vs avez des url de compilo, ou de trucs comme ça, balancez-les ici smile

moi g trouvé cette page ki est pas mal:


par contre il y a une telle liste de trucs eek

on prend koi?

ARM C/C++ 3.0 for windows??
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


ah, pya, g trouvé un truc:


tout en bas de la page, il donne des infos pour compiler, où dl, etc...
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


ya pas un compilo turbo pascal grin
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


arf grin
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


toi et ton turbo pascal grin
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


arf g mis le grin
et pi je viens de down le compilo tp pour ti grin
je sens que je vais bien me marrer grin
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


lol grin
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


mouarf, y fo vc++ 6...
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


g grin
ms bon on peut pas faire de pascal avec sad
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


meuh vi, qd tu sauras programmer la gba, tu nous fera un compilo pascal wink
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


put1! c trop fort ce truc!!
pour écrire un pixel à l'écran:

//////first thing we do is include the necessary headers
#include “gba.h” //this is were all the registers are defined (like REG_DISPCNT)
#include “screenmode.h” //this is the header file we just wrote

/////////////////////////////// RGB macro
* The GBA stores 15 bit color in blue green red format meaning
* the first 5 bits are the red the next 5 bits are green and the next
* 5 blue. This macro just shifts the colors over the correct amount.
* RGB is the more standard way to represent color. 
#define RGB(r,g,b) ((r)+((g)<<5)+((b)<<10)) //both do the same thing but just in case you prefer RGB notation i included both macros 
#define BGR(b,g,r) ((r)+((g)<<5)+((b)<<10))

* Plots a pixel by storing the color value into the proper
* place in video memory. 
#define u16 unsigned short int //this just defines a 16bit unsigned data type to save typing
u16 VideoBuffer = (u16*) 0x6000000; //this is the start address of video memory

void PlotPixel(int x,int y, unsigned short int c) { VideoBuffer[(y) *240 + (x)] = (c); }
//////Now our main c function. This is the function that is called by the startup code ( you must include boot.asm in all your Projects)

void C_Entry(void)
        int x,y; //these will be used to loop through all x and y positions on the screen
        SetMode(MODE3 | BG2_ENABLE); //this sets up mode 3 and enables background 2. Backround 2 must be enabled for all bitmap modes
        for(x = 0; x < 240; x++) //loop through all x’s
                for(y = 0; y < 160; y++) //loop through all y’s
                        PlotPixel(x, y, RGB(31,0,0)); //plot the pixel
                } //end y loop
        } //end x loop
} //end C_Entry

trop bien... couleurs rgb, et tt et tt smile
C TROP DLA BALLE CE TRUC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


plus que 9 minutes de dl !!!

ouaf ouaf ouaf!

g trop hâte d'essayer!! smile
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


moi j'ai trop hate de me coucher , mais je doit attendre un truc sad
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


ué, c vrai, fo dormir aussi...
bon, ben j'essayerai dem1 alors smile

(je crois que mon moteur 3d pour Ti va prendre un peu de retard dans la livraison wink)
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


arf qd je disait ke la gba a tuer la ti !!
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


ba ué, c kler...
maintenant, ma ti, je m'en sers plus du tt sad

bon, je remets l'addresse du tuto c vachement intéressant:


pt1! ça tue ce truc!
g trop hâte d'essayer...
bon, v dormir...
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


oué moa ce ki me fait chier c k'il fasse passer par VC++. Edorul si tu passes par la tu pourrais pas faire un petit chapitre pour ne pas passer par VC++ 6 dans ton tuto ?


bon, v essayer tt à l'heure
ça tuuue, ça tuuue !!!!rotflrotfl

In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


bordel de merde!!! y a pas un truc comme tigcc pour la gba??
une interface simple ac un éditeur, et qd on clique sur compile, ça compile??
paske là, c trop le bordel, en + y a aucune doc!!!
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


pya!!!! il faut absolument que tu retrouves ARM_SDT_250_eval.zip
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


bon, g trouvé quelques trucs...

et pis le tuto pour installer ts ça:

ça a l'air de marcher...
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina








trop fort grin
ça maaarche!!!
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


mon premier essai en c sur gba: grin
(je sais, ça pue, c'est affreux et c lent sad mais bon, c cool qd même gringringrin)


In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


put1! c trop bien!!! eek
vive la gba!!!!!!!

deuxième essai...
genre interpolation rgb wink

In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


allez, un petit shot de mon deuxième essai pour vous encourager grin

In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina