I have the TI-Keyboard, and now that I have finally put this Pedrom on my TI89, I find that the keyboard is not supported by Pedrom!
Are there any plans to add support for the TI-Keyboard, this thing seriously rocks, and it would make using this OS a dream!
When I push any button on my keyboard it pops up a Error window. Saying 'Link: Reset'
Has anyone found a way to make it work?
woh !
you're the first one I met who has this keyboard !
I wonder if it is possible to modify the DBA's keyboard drivers to make that one work on Pedrom (don't know what the code looks like...)
edit: if there are drivers at all, of course ...
edit2: seems there are no drivers, must work by remote control, so it must have the same problem...

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PpHd Le 15/07/2004 à 09:04 Maybe it is the only the first link problem ?
When I push any button on my keyboard it pops up a Error window. Saying 'Link: Reset'
THen press ENTER on 89.
And without removing the link cable, use the keyboard again.