Dear TI-FR colleagues,
I'd like to know why when I try to install Doors on my TI-89(HW version 2.05)the calculator just crashes even if I've patched it with HW2.Could you give me a good explaination for that?
Tiens, un rital qui parle anglais...
To start, your TI 89 is not "HW version 2.05", but should be AMS version 2.05, and probably HW version 2.00 if it is a recent one, but prior to install anything on your TI, just read the readme file provided with the program you want to put on the calulator...It will give you a lot of useful information. You also need to know precisely at least the hardware version of your calculator, and AMS...
[edit]Edité par le chat le 24-01-2002 à 12:46:53[/edit]
Le chat has given a good explanation, I think...
PpHd Le 24/01/2002 à 10:09 Doors Explorer is a very bugged program.
preos mars
chrono avril juin
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"
premiere sortie du label furne-records
ici tain j'en ai raz le cul de parler anglais
dc la beta sortira qd meme avec l'ancien moteur de jeu
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"
premiere sortie du label furne-records
ici jeu finie
tu dit des choses desfois ???
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"
premiere sortie du label furne-records
ici PpHd Le 24/01/2002 à 12:09 Well to improve the anti-crash protection of Preos, I just use Doors Explorer and I try things like Zip an archived program, or ...
It is a very good program to test your anti-crash protection !
And preOs will be available as soon as no bugs are left.
t'1, ca va lui faire drole au gars de voir les topics partir en couille aussi vite...
Five months ago, I read that CF will be probably released in 2002 January... I'm Always waiting....
ba oui ms bon un jeu non repoussé n'est pas un jeu digne de ce nom !!!
et pi ca prend du temps et le temps on en a pas forcement !!
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"
premiere sortie du label furne-records
ici Miles Le 24/01/2002 à 17:59 operating system ? It's not an OS...
sbibi a eu le mot de la fin
et pi liquid en matiere de beta t pas le plus a plaindre nan ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"
premiere sortie du label furne-records