TIGCC pour l'instant je m'en fiche. Je parle de GCC pour x86. L'idée de gcc2c est de "traduire" une source C++ en C par l'intermédiaire de GCC. Il n'est fait nulle part mention de la librairie standard du C++. Si on exclut les exceptions, les templates et les opérations de redirections standards (cout, cin...) il est tout à fait possible de produire du code C à partir du C++ de façon très portable.
Code C++
extern "C" { extern int printf (char *, ...); }
enum {
ZERO, ONE, TEN = 10,
HUNDRED = 100, THOUSAND = 1000
class Base {
int B_private_Data;
int B_protected_Data;
int B_public_Data;
Base (int arg = ONE) : B_private_Data (arg + THOUSAND),
B_protected_Data (arg + HUNDRED),
B_public_Data (arg) {}
~Base (void) {}
int B_getPrivate_Data (void) { return B_private_Data; }
virtual int F1 (void) = 0;
virtual int F2 (void) { return B_private_Data; }
class Derived : public Base {
int D_private_Data;
int D_public_Data;
Derived (int arg = ZERO) : D_private_Data (arg),
D_public_Data (arg),
Base (arg) {}
~Derived (void) {}
int D_getPrivate_Data (void) { return D_private_Data; }
virtual int F1 (void) {
return B_protected_Data;
virtual int F2 (void) {
return B_protected_Data + TEN + ONE;
Derived inherits:
B_get_private_data, B_public_data, B_protected_data
int main (void) {
Base *bp = new Derived; // defaults to 0
Derived d (2);
printf ("%d\n", d.D_public_Data ); // 2
d.D_public_Data = TEN;
printf ("%d\n", d.D_public_Data); // 10
printf ("%d\n", bp->B_getPrivate_Data ()); // 1000
printf ("%d\n", d.D_getPrivate_Data ()); // 2
/* Elide virtual function call! */
printf ("%d\n", d.F1 ()); // 102
/* Virtual function call! */
printf ("%d\n", bp->F2 ()); // 111
delete bp;
/* Derived d destructor implicitly called. */
return 0;
Donne en C:
/* Dynamic memory functions */
extern void *__vec_new (void *, int, int, void *);
extern void __vec_delete (void *, int, int, void *, int, int);
extern void *__nw__FUi (unsigned int);
extern void __dl__FPv (void *);
extern int printf (char *,...);
/* Type decls for multiple and single inheritance. */
typedef int (*__vptp) ();
struct __mptr {
short d; short i; __vptp f;
extern struct __mptr *__ptbl_vec__c___src_C_[];
enum __E1 {
ZERO = 0, ONE = 1, TEN = 10,
HUNDRED = 100, THOUSAND = 1000
struct Base { /* sizeof Base == 16 */
int B_private_Data__4Base;
int B_protected_Data__4Base;
int B_public_Data__4Base;
struct __mptr *__vptr__4Base; /* Compiler generated. */
/* Base class constructor */
static struct Base *
__ct__4BaseFi (struct Base *__0this, int __0arg) {
/* The following 5 lines are the compiler-generated preamble. */
if (__0this ||
(__0this =
(struct Base *) __nw__FUi (sizeof (struct Base))))
((((__0this->__vptr__4Base =
(struct __mptr *) __ptbl_vec__c___src_C_[0]),
/* User constructor code starts here! */
(__0this->B_private_Data__4Base =
(__0arg + 1000))),
(__0this->B_protected_Data__4Base =
(__0arg + 100))),
(__0this->B_public_Data__4Base =
return __0this;
/* Base class destructor */
static char
__dt__4BaseFv (struct Base *__0this, int __0__free) {
if (__0this) {
__0this->__vptr__4Base =
(struct __mptr *) __ptbl_vec__c___src_C_[0];
/* User destructor code would go here. */
if (__0this)
if (__0__free & 1)
__dl__FPv ((char *) __0this);
static int
B_getPrivate_Data__4BaseFv (struct Base *__0this) {
return __0this->B_private_Data__4Base;
static int
F2__4BaseFv (struct Base *__0this) {
return __0this->B_private_Data__4Base;
struct Derived { /* sizeof Derived == 24 */
int B_private_Data__4Base;
int B_protected_Data__4Base;
int B_public_Data__4Base;
struct __mptr *__vptr__4Base;
int D_private_Data__7Derived;
int D_public_Data__7Derived;
/* Derived class constructor */
static struct Derived *
__ct__7DerivedFi (struct Derived *__0this, int __0arg) {
/* The following 7 lines are the compiler-generated preamble. */
if (__0this ||
(__0this = (struct Derived *)
__nw__FUi (sizeof (struct Derived))))
((((__0this = (struct Derived *)
__ct__4BaseFi (((struct Base *) __0this), __0arg)),
(__0this->__vptr__4Base =
(struct __mptr *) __ptbl_vec__c___src_C_[1])),
/* User constructor code goes here. */
(__0this->D_private_Data__7Derived = __0arg)),
(__0this->D_public_Data__7Derived = __0arg))
return __0this;
/* Derived class destructor */
static char
__dt__7DerivedFv (struct Derived *__0this, int __0__free) {
if (__0this) {
__0this->__vptr__4Base =
(struct __mptr *) __ptbl_vec__c___src_C_[1];
/* User destructor code goes here. */
if (__0this) {
__dt__4BaseFv (((struct Base *) __0this), (int) 0);
if (__0__free & 1)
__dl__FPv ((char *) __0this);
static int
D_getPrivate_Data__7DerivedFv (struct Derived *__0this) {
return __0this->D_private_Data__7Derived;
static int
F1__7DerivedFv (struct Derived *__0this) {
return __0this->B_protected_Data__4Base;
static int
F2__7DerivedFv (struct Derived *__0this) {
return ((__0this->B_protected_Data__4Base + 10) + 1);
int main (void) {
_main ();
struct Base *__1bp; struct Derived __1d;
__1bp = (struct Base *)
__ct__7DerivedFi ((struct Derived *) 0, (int) 0);
__ct__7DerivedFi (&__1d, 2);
printf ((char *) "%d\n", __1d.D_public_Data__7Derived);
__1d.D_public_Data__7Derived = 10;
printf ("%d\n", __1d.D_public_Data__7Derived);
printf ("%d\n", B_getPrivate_Data__4BaseFv (__1bp));
printf ("%d\n", D_getPrivate_Data__7DerivedFv (&__1d));
printf ("%d\n", F1__7DerivedFv (&__1d));
/* Virtual function call */
printf ((char *) "%d\n",
((*(((int (*) ()) (__1bp->__vptr__4Base[2]).f))))
(((struct Base *) ((((char *) __1bp))
+ (__1bp->__vptr__4Base[2]).d))));
__dt__4BaseFv (__1bp, 3);
__dt__7DerivedFv (&__1d, 2);
return 0;