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Michael Hergenrader parle plusieurs langues autres que l'anglais, mais pas le français. Par conséquent, afin qu'il puisse utiliser directement la plupart des reports et suggestions qui lui seront faits dans ce topic, exprimez-vous SVP en anglais (à moins que votre anglais soit "terrible", auquel cas il vaut beaucoup mieux s'exprimer en français, et laisser d'autres _humains_ traduire

Testing for new game, Twilight Legion After about two years working on this project on and off, I have finally decided to release a beta of my project, Twilight Legion. It is a combat game sort of like Super Smash Bros. with a lot of features, including: (the game right now is for the TI-89 and Titanium, but in the future, I hope to add V200 and 92+ soon)
- 24 unlockable characters, each with different heights and widths
- 26 unlockable various stages
- 10 different invitational tournaments to unlock or create your own custom tournaments
- 31 complete unlockable episodes, with increasing difficulties
- timed matches anywhere from 1 to 90 minutes in duration (90 for the hardcore gamers ;-) )
- stock matches anywhere from 1 to 5 lives
- sudden death for timed matches if the game deems necessary
- up to 5 different saved user profiles to load and view
- save your arena battle and tournament and settings into your profile quickly - allows 1 of each per profile!
- Arena mode: freestyle fight based on the settings, choose anywhere from 2-4 players to fight
- Story mode: 10 consecutive, always different, random stages, with 2 Race to the finish
minigames, a metal character fight, and, of course, the final battle (boss battle)
- complete trophy gallery with 5 pages to view 8 trophies
- teacher key to save your own custom battles and then instantly reload them on startup!
- 4 different AI difficulties (Classic = easiest, Admiral, Premiere, Elite = hardest)
- crowd pressure enablement - background shakes
- 1 complete moving level enabled to put a twist into your battles (hopefully, more to come later)
- 26 different items that fall from the sky
- 16 different types of terrain blocks inside levels (hopefully, more to come, as some were removed)
- works on hardware versions 1, 2, and 3 - no patch required
- full scrolling credits screen
Here's some links to screenshots of my program: (it wasn't finding them here for some reason...)
Here's the link to test the program, just follow the instructions and email me with any questions/issues/concerns/bug and glitch reports.
(also let me know who you are so I can include you in the credits)
(Just click directly on the "Download directly from Host-A" link)
When you find something, want to ask a question, or you just want to let me know your interest, please either email me at mhergenrader@comcast.net or post here or on the topic soon to be created at yAronet.
-Michael Hergenrader
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