Yeah ! it's a very beautiful collection
lot of NEC videogames, I'm very impress !

la passion du jeux vidéo retro et alternatif, du retrogaming, , des pratiques retro videoludique etc...
What incredible Nec collection ! ! ! I like that ! But i have only roms of nec in my gp32...
I want a Nec !
So incredible Gamecube and GBA collection .
Im so mad with my Gamecube Purple ^^
jibax Le 15/06/2005 à 22:23 just a question: Is PSOne's FFT, the same that on GBA?
jibax Le 15/06/2005 à 22:41 GBA: there are more dungeons, and music is remixed.
Kouki Le 24/06/2005 à 19:42 o_O greeaaat ! I want it !!
but you didn't answer me !
Funny ! This GC seem my GC Diddl !

la passion du jeux vidéo retro et alternatif, du retrogaming, , des pratiques retro videoludique etc...