Hi everyone
Darja, as Philippe already said the meeting will be probably in July or begining of August. I'll post all the details as soon as everything is arranged and this will be probably no later than the next month. stay tuned. I would post this on your site, but, as you already said, I can't understand none of your language too :-))). anyway, I'll ask you too repost the details of the meeting on your site when the information will be available, maybe there will be people who want to attend our meeting too and you will come together with Philippe and the others. anyway, nice hearing from you.
BX TZD Turbo 250.000km beaucoup de modifs
GSA Pallas 1982 80.000km et DSuper 1970 350.000km en cours de restauration
Darja Le 13/01/2010 à 20:27 Hi,
May adn june are full months, jully is more free. I will see, It depends on my 16v, because now we are putting T16 engine into it.. If I can not make it, I cant go to your meeting.

My wonderful BX 1.9 GTi 16v (digi clima, leather 16v seats, sport leather steering wheel, alu wheels etc)
the romanian meeting will be held in Odorheiul Secuiesc (same location as the last year) between 23 and 25 of July. everybody is welcome, more information to be added in the next days
BX TZD Turbo 250.000km beaucoup de modifs
GSA Pallas 1982 80.000km et DSuper 1970 350.000km en cours de restauration
Hi Khansas,
I will attend to the meeting !
Best regards,
Hi everybody,
Very bad news from my side: for a personal reason, I won't be able to attend to the meeting in Roumania this year.
I will manage to organize a large circuit for next year, including a deeper discovering of the country, driving along the 100 Km rough road crossing the montagnes !
I am terribly sorry about this. I do apologise. I will keep my mind with the team at the end of July.
Best regards,
It's great Philippe !! Too bad for GTi16 4x4, crashed ?

Actuelle: BX 16 Soupapes Noire Onix 92' 162.000km
Mes anciennes: BX GTi 16 Soupapes 87' Mk1 - BX Ourane 93' - BX TZDT 90' - BX Ourane 92' - BX Ourane 93' - BX TRDT 90' - BX TZDT 90' - BX GTi 16 Soupapes Mk1 - BX GTi 90' Export - BX TRD 85'
No, as far as I understood, there were a transmission problem, and therefore is was not repaired.
Let's go to the future, there is a succeder !
Best regards to all of you,