une grosse bouse en fait dixit l'autre
Pour fabriquer une Wii on prend deux GameCube et un peu de scotch
Du même type :
I don't know who has read the internet, yesterday. In a [unintelligible]panel I said a bunch of things. I was trying to be thought provoking and entertaining and fun and a lot of the stuff went too far over the top—on the entertaining and fun side, so that it was no longer thought provoking, just inflammatory. And in the process I hurt a bunch of people I care about. And so, I want to apologize now. When I'm on stage, I'm me. I'm talking talk from me. From me. I'm not representing EA or Maxis.
I want to make two things perfectly clear.
I do not think the Wii is a piece of shit. Nintendo needs to be applauded for trying to interface on the controller front, the user interface front, on making games accessible, on making a console that you don't need to mortgage your house to afford.
Secondly, it's totally obvious—and I'm sorry that I implied otherwise—that everyone at Nintendo is passionate at making great games. Some of the games give me hope that we will be seen as an art form on par with movies and books.
Yoshi Noir (./2) : même type :
I don't know who has read the internet, yesterday. In a [unintelligible]panel I said a bunch of things. I was trying to be thought provoking and entertaining and fun and a lot of the stuff went too far over the top—on the entertaining and fun side, so that it was no longer thought provoking, just inflammatory. And in the process I hurt a bunch of people I care about. And so, I want to apologize now. When I'm on stage, I'm me. I'm talking talk from me. From me. I'm not representing EA or Maxis.
I want to make two things perfectly clear.
I do not think the Wii is a piece of shit. Nintendo needs to be applauded for trying to interface on the controller front, the user interface front, on making games accessible, on making a console that you don't need to mortgage your house to afford.
Secondly, it's totally obvious—and I'm sorry that I implied otherwise—that everyone at Nintendo is passionate at making great games. Some of the games give me hope that we will be seen as an art form on par with movies and books.
Nhut (./6) :
Et s'il est pas content que Nintendo ne considère pas les jeux vidéos comme une forme d'art
Rusty Frozbite (./7) :
Panzer Dragoon ? De l'art ?![]()
Rusty Frozbite (./7) :
Sinon oué bof c'est qu'un avis parmi d'autre...mais ce qui me fait marrer c'est la critique du CPU pas assez puissant pour permettre de gérer une IA décente. Et Metal Gear Solid 3 ou même Portable Ops qui disposent d'une IA terrible tournent bien sur PS2 et PSP, ça ne les empêche pas d'être beaux et d'avoir une bonne IA...
Godzil (./8) :Nhut (./6) :
Et s'il est pas content que Nintendo ne considère pas les jeux vidéos comme une forme d'art
ce qui est faux, nintendo considere les JV comme une forme d'art...
Translation: I don't want to be blackballed by the whole industry, so I will take back my childish ranting...for now, until it becomes more popular to bash Nintendo, and you better bet I will join in it.