Alors comme musique de chips j'ai trouvé ça :
J'espère que ça aide !
Jonas (./4262) :
En voilà une bonne question mon très cher Brunni ! Il se trouve que je me suis fait la même réflexion il y a quelques années et en fouillant le net je suis tombé sur quelques belles initiatives comme des albums entier basés sur de la synthèse FM (dont de l'OPL Yamaha en majorité mais aussi des synthés avec leur propre synthèse FM comme des petits Korg) dont une trilogie pas piquées des hannetons sortie sur un label Russe :
Perso je trouve que ça sonne vraiment pas mal même si je ne suis pas fan de tous les morceaux, musicalement parlant !
The differential input channels are not tested for devices in PDIP Package. This feature is only guaranteed to work for devices in TQFP and VQFN/QFN/MLF Packages.Nan mais... hein ?!
It has proved difficult to clarify exactly how these circuits work. Probing a typical one with an oscilloscope has shown that it does not use beat frequencies to achieve the target frequency. If the transistors are swapped for nominally identical ones, then the output frequency changes by as much as 30%. A simulation was created that incorporated all the parasitic capacitance expected to exist within the physical circuit, but the simulated circuits failed to oscillate.
Some of the circuits achieved high fitness, but when they were examined with an oscilloscope they did not oscillate stably: the signals were of the order of 10 – 50 mV amplitude with rapidly fluctuating frequency. The evolutionary process had taken advantage of the fact that the fitness function rewarded amplifiers, even if the output signal was noise. It seems that some circuits had amplified radio signals present in the air that were stable enough over the 2 ms sampling period to give good fitness scores. These signals were generated by nearby PCs in the laboratory where the experiments took place. In order to pick up radio signals the circuits need an aerial and an extremely high input impedance. This was achieved by using as an input the printed circuit board tracks on the EM connected to an open programmable switch whose impedance is at least 100 MΩ. The high impedance was confirmed by an electrometer behaviour observed in many of the non-oscillating circuits: if a person’s hand was brought close to the circuit, then the d. c. output voltage rose; if the person remained there, the output voltage remained high, falling if the person was earthed. The evolutionary process had utilised not only the EM’s transistors, but also the analogue switches and the printed circuit to which they were connected.
In earlier experiments Layzell [25] found that circuits utilised the oscilloscope used to measure their behaviour as a path to 0V, via the 10 MΩ impedance of the oscilloscope. If the oscilloscope was unplugged, the circuit did not work. In a SPICE simulation where the oscilloscope was represented by a resistance, the circuit worked, confirming its functional role. Some of the evolved oscillators worked successfully until a soldering iron on a nearby workbench was disconnected from the mains, at which point oscillation ceased. This occurred despite high quality laboratory power supplies and extensive mains filtering. The circuit was apparently sensitive to tiny transients in its voltage supply. The circuit worked if it was reinstantiated on the EM, regardless of whether the soldering iron was on or off. However, tests showed that it failed to oscillate if during instantiation the programmable switches were set in a different order to that used originally. It seems that the circuit was dependent on some initial condition, such as charge, that only occurred if the switches were set in a particular sequence.