In theory no because the SD is not managed by the computer, but the board, and the bluepill on the device should be able to handle most SD card size. It's more about, is it worth to put a 512GB SD card in such a device? wink
Proud to be CAKE©®™

GCC4TI importe qui a problème en Autriche, pour l'UE plus et une encore de correspours nucléaire, ce n'est pas ytre d'instérier. L'état très même contraire, toujours reconstruire un pouvoir une choyer d'aucrée de compris le plus mite de genre, ce n'est pas moins)
Stalin est l'élection de la langie.


You can have a look on first post, there are some details about working micro SD.

I guess a "small" size (8gb or less) from a well known brand is better. You will probably not need more than 8gb for your STE needs wink
Futur ex éditeur de jeux Atari Lynx et Nintendo Game Boy


Chevels (./29):
masteries (./25) :
Chevels (./23):
Hi !
Great this interface ! On the other hand, it has been a long time since I touched my STE and above all I have never used a hard drive on my various STEs. I have always done the old fashioned way^^
So I have a noob question: what types of hard drives can be used on a STE with this interface? (IDE, ACSI, maximum capacity...). I guess it's ACSI but are such hard drives still in 2021 ??

As friend Fadest illustrates...

You only need a micro SD card; this device lets use any micro SD card as a compatible hard disk for your STE machine; as well the micro SD card is also readable under Windows / Linux.
(You can use your PC to copy / read content to the SD card, an use the copied content in your Atari STE)

Fadest (./24) :
C'est plus simple que ça :
Tu insères une micro SD card dans l'adaptateur et elle est reconnue comme un disque dur.

Oh ok ! fondu
Does the micro SD card have to respect certain specificities such as a maximum capacity ?

In any case, thank you for the details!

You can use almost any SD card size,

However, huge sizes such 32 , 64, 128 GB are relatively non sensei, due to you can use barely use 1 to 4 GB of them.

The ST/E computer can address 2^21 sectors in a disk, and each sector is usually 512 bytes or 1 KB


There are already built and tested units available!


masteries (./33) :
There are already built and tested units available!

Look your MP. wink


Godcedric (./34):
masteries (./33) :
There are already built and tested units available!

Look your MP. wink


You have a PM and an email,


Fadest (./31) :
You can have a look on first post, there are some details about working micro SD.

I guess a "small" size (8gb or less) from a well known brand is better. You will probably not need more than 8gb for your STE needs wink

masteries (./32) :
Chevels (./29):
masteries (./25) :
Chevels (./23):
Hi !
Great this interface ! On the other hand, it has been a long time since I touched my STE and above all I have never used a hard drive on my various STEs. I have always done the old fashioned way^^
So I have a noob question: what types of hard drives can be used on a STE with this interface? (IDE, ACSI, maximum capacity...). I guess it's ACSI but are such hard drives still in 2021 ??

As friend Fadest illustrates...

You only need a micro SD card; this device lets use any micro SD card as a compatible hard disk for your STE machine; as well the micro SD card is also readable under Windows / Linux.
(You can use your PC to copy / read content to the SD card, an use the copied content in your Atari STE)

Fadest (./24) :
C'est plus simple que ça :
Tu insères une micro SD card dans l'adaptateur et elle est reconnue comme un disque dur.

Oh ok ! fondu
Does the micro SD card have to respect certain specificities such as a maximum capacity ?

In any case, thank you for the details!

You can use almost any SD card size,

However, huge sizes such 32 , 64, 128 GB are relatively non sensei, due to you can use barely use 1 to 4 GB of them.

The ST/E computer can address 2^21 sectors in a disk, and each sector is usually 512 bytes or 1 KB

Thank you for your answers !
Of course I know that a big SD won't be necessary. I was asking this because I already have a few at home that haven't been used for a long time and I wanted to know if I will be able to use them smile
https://steamcommunity.com/id/Chevels/ , mon profil Steam pour celles et ceux désirant se taper quelques parties à l'occasion :)

Mon serveur Minecraft: https://heavycraft-reloaded.fr/


Just to say that I just picked up the parcel at the post office (Hurray for shit opening hours).
I will set it up on Saturday.


Yoshi Noir (./37):
Just to say that I just picked up the parcel at the post office (Hurray for shit opening hours).
I will set it up on Saturday.


"How to" procedure:

1- Flash or deploy provided SD card image into an SD/SDHC card
(usually HP laptop SD card readers are not suitable)

2- Insert the SD card into the hard disk unit SD card slot

3- Connect the unpowered hard disk unit, into the ACSI port of
the unpowered Atari ST/E computer

4- Power up the hard disk unit

5- Few seconds after step 4, power up the Atari ST/E computer

6- Hard disk unit, and SD card partition will be usually detected;
due to its a bootable image

7- If the Atari ST/E falls into an empty desktop, perform a reset of the
computer. Normally the system will go to step 6 in these cases.

8- Enjoy!

I think I sent to you the complete "tracking number and additional information" message,


There are 20 already built and tested units!


Godcedric (./34):
masteries (./33) :
There are already built and tested units available!

Look your MP. wink

I wrote an email to you,
also a private message,



Hello dear masteries !

How are you ?

I would like to buy you a unit, with sd card provided if possible.
Your sd card connector is gold !

Is it possible yet to have one ? I'm in France.

Thanx !

vitalmotion the perpetual motion


Ok thanx masteries and i canno't wait for this marveloux electronic ^^

Yes waiting for it and the OSSC, going to test soon hd demos smile

vitalmotion the perpetual motion


yogibeer (./41):
Ok thanx masteries and i canno't wait for this marveloux electronic ^^

Yes waiting for it and the OSSC, going to test soon hd demos smile


Thanks to you,

I have your contact from Atari Age forum,



This hard disk unit can access up to 7 GB , 14 partitions of 512 MB

A video:



Hello Masteries,

I would like to buy one of your ACSI2STM hard drive for my STE.
i'm in France.
How can we do ?

Best regards.


What about MegaST(E) ?
Ma grand-mère fait du vélo


attila06 (./44):
Hello Masteries,

I would like to buy one of your ACSI2STM hard drive for my STE.
i'm in France.
How can we do ?

Best regards.

Thanks for your interest and support!

I wrote a message to you,


kawickboy (./45):
What about MegaST(E) ?

Greetings Kawickboy,

This device is compatible with MegaST and MegaSTE,

but due to I don´t have one of these Mega models,
there isn´t a ready to buy internal version.

Despite this, Mega models still have external hard disk port.


attila06 (./44):
Hello Masteries,

I would like to buy one of your ACSI2STM hard drive for my STE.
i'm in France.
How can we do ?

Best regards.

Your unit has been sent today,

You have a private message with the tracking number and "how to" information,


Hello all,

Everything is Ok for me. it works fine.

Thanks a lot Masteries.

Best regards.


attila06 (./49):
Hello all,

Everything is Ok for me. it works fine.

Thanks a lot Masteries.

Best regards.

Thanks for reporting!


There are units available!


For MegaSTe with internal HDD, will it boot on the internal or on the ACSI2STM external device ?

What I would like to do is to copy the full content of my internal HDD to the external disk with kobold for exemple.
Is there any restriction ?



Your hard disk unit has been sent,

You have a private message with tracking number and "how to" details,


masteries (./52) :

Your hard disk unit has been sent,

You have a private message with tracking number and "how to" details,
Unit arrived without any issue in my letterbox. Just have to find the time to test the product now smile


SCPCD (./51):
For MegaSTe with internal HDD, will it boot on the internal or on the ACSI2STM external device ?

What I would like to do is to copy the full content of my internal HDD to the external disk with kobold for exemple.
Is there any restriction ?

This hard disk unit operates in master mode only, no more hard disk units could be chained,


There are units in stock!