Un avis là-dessus ?
En particulier, j'ai mangé un kebab hier, je devrais m'en vouloir ?
Grade inflation at American universities is out of control. The statistics speak for themselves. In 1950, the average GPA at Harvard was estimated at 2.6 out of 4. By 2003, it had risen to 3.4. Today, it stands at 3.8. The more elite the college, the more lenient the standards. At Yale, for example, 80% of grades awarded in 2023 were As or A minuses. But the problem is also prevalent at less selective colleges. Across all four-year colleges in the U.S., the most commonly awarded grade is now an A. Some professors and departments, especially in STEM disciplines, have managed to uphold more stringent criteria. A few advanced courses attract such a self-selecting cohort of students that virtually all of them deserve recognition for genuinely excellent work. But for the most part, the grading scheme at many institutions has effectively become useless. An A has stopped being a mark of special academic achievement.
The_CUrE (./1840) :Tiens ça rejoint un peu mon essai là topics/76711-les-meilleures-news/2177#post-65310
L'évaluation actuelle est tellement foutue qu'il vaut mieux la supprimer et recommencer à zéro.
Soit ça, soit se tourner vers une société qui sortirait du productivisme et de la performance pour viser une autre façon de vivre.
When 19-year-old Aleysha Ortiz told Hartford City Council members in May that the public school system stole her education, she had to memorize her speech.
Ortiz, who was a senior at Hartford Public High School at the time, wrote the speech using the talk-to-text function on her phone. She listened to it repeatedly to memorize it.
That’s because she was never taught to read or write — despite attending schools in Hartford since she was 6.
Ortiz, who came to Hartford from Puerto Rico with her family when she was young, struggled with language and other challenges along the way. But a confluence of circumstances, apparent apathy and institutional inertia pushed her haphazardly through the school system, according to Ortiz, her attorney and district officials.
Those officials, in statements that her attorney says display “shocking” educational neglect, have acknowledged that Ortiz never received instruction in reading.
Despite this, she received her diploma this spring after improving her grades in high school — with help from the speech-to-text function — and getting on the honor roll. She began her studies at the University of Connecticut this summer.
Ortiz was diagnosed with a speech impediment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in early childhood and has been classified as a student with a disability for “as long as I can remember,” she said.
Ortiz said her mother’s ability to advocate for her was limited because of language barriers, insufficient translation services, and because the family didn’t know their legal rights to challenge district decisions.
She said she was unlawfully restrained, spent months in classrooms without a special education teacher or paraeducators, and was ridiculed by untrained staff who would laugh at her.
Le stage « prévention et gestion des crises » mis en place dans l’académie de Versailles sème le trouble à plusieurs égards, sur la méthode comme sur le fond. Un flou semble entretenu sur le caractère proposé ou imposé dans certains cas. Les directrices et directeurs d’école sont « invités » voire exhortés, dans certains cas, à participer à un stage de 2,5 jours avec nuitée dans la caserne de la gendarmerie de Beynes (78). La branche locale du syndicat majoritaire du 1er degré exprime sa surprise « de voir l’obligation de nuitée et le cantonnement forcé dans une caserne du Ministère de la Défense. Cela ne correspond ni à nos obligations réglementaires de services, ni à nos obligations statutaires. Aucun professeur des écoles ne peut se voir contraindre des horaires de nuit ni peut se voir priver de sa liberté de circulation en dehors de ses heures de services. »
"Y'a pas d'argent à l'Education Nationale ! On doit faire des économies !"
— Leland Gaunt🎈 (@dalebarbie2) October 17, 2024
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